Rude awakening

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""Ok, I just want to say before this chapter starts, I am so so very sorry. I was going to update like 3 months ago but ended up deleting nearly 4 chapters. I just finished rewriting it so I'm sorry if it's not very good! Anyway, here ya go!""

Allen stomped away from his fiancé's room but stopped just as he was about to go up the stairs because he heard a yell behind him.

"Sir! There you are!" Link huffed. He looked as if he had just ran a mile. "I've been looking every where! When you weren't in your room I got worried and I couldn't find you!"

"Link. Link! I'm fine, see? Perfectly ok. I was just speaking with Lavi." Allen said. Link swallowed and looked at Allen on shock. "I decided to apologize for what I said earlier but it didn't quite happen as planned..." Allen turned around and began walking. Getting the message, Link followed behind him quietly.

After a long silence Allen said, "Link, may I ask a favor of you?"

Link looked at Allen, pausing in his folding of Allen's worn clothes. "Anything. It's what I'm here for."

"Can you spend the night here? You can sleep on my sofa." Allen grabbed one of the many pillows he never used off his bed and a blanket from the chest at the end of his bed, and put them on the couch. "I would help you make your bed but...."

"That's alright, I can do it. But may I ask what the reason for my staying here is? "

Allen shrugged, he didn't really knew why he asked. "I guess I would just like a friend tonight, after all that has happened." Allen climbed into his bed but didn't fall asleep for a while.

After Allen had finally fallen asleep, he was rudely awaken by voices he didn't know.

"Oh just kill the servant already, I'll get the prince. God, you two are useless!" It was a woman's voice. She was obviously not happy with someone.

Allen opened his eyes and saw the silhouette of a small woman. She was holding a sword dangerously close to Allen's bed. He sat up a bit and watched two definitely male bodies stalk towards the couch where Link was sleeping soundly.

"Hey!" Allen screamed causing everyone's heads to turn to him.

The woman turned to face him completely and said, "I was hoping to do this quietly but it seems as though these two imbeciles have woken up our highness here, things aren't going to go according to plan." She picked up her sword and swung it, Allen rolled off the bed at the last minute and the sword missed him by an inch and completely ruined his bedspread.

He quickly ran towards the closet, ripping open the doors he pulled out a sword from behind the clothes as he heard foot steps getting too close for comfort. He heard a yell behind him and quickly spun, blocking the sword above his head with his own, still within the sheath. The men had obviously gotten over any shock they might have had and began moving to Link. Allen kicked the woman in the stomach and ran to Link's side.

Just as Allen got to the couch, stabbing one man in the back, he screamed. "Link! Get up!" Link scrambled out of the couch and fell on the floor with a horrified look in his eyes. Allen removed the sword from the man's back and looked towards the other male. He heard light tapping to his side and slashed without looking. Allen heard a grunt and a thump which he took to mean the girl was occupied with her injury.

The man directly in front of him took one step in Allen's direction and had his neck sliced open. The man slumped and crumpled on the ground, head completely severed.

"You bastard! The Order will not be pleased with us!" Allen lowered his sword.

Allen was baffled. "The Order? You work for the Black Order?"

The woman said nothing and instead hobbled out the window she had obviously entered through.

Allen looked at the ground and saw moon light shining on his blood covered Pj pants and on his floor. He looked up at Link, "Are you alright?" Link stood up and nodded. "Good, very.... Good." Allen himself fell and everything went black.

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