Death Sentance

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Lavi found Allen in his room which was still stained with blood. He was sitting on an unmade bed, picking at his fingers and twiddling his thumbs. It was apparent that he had thought long and hard about what he had told Lavi and Tyki, and expected them to leave.

"Hey." Lavi said, startling Allen, he had been crying, that was evident. His eyes were red and puffy and his nose was running. Lavi gave him a smile and walked the rest of the way over. "Wipe your face, were going out."

Allen looked up at Lavi with a mixture of feelings. "What?"

"I promised to take you out. And that's what I'm going to do." Lavi said, taking out a piece of parchment.

"After all I told you, and you're willing to let me take you into the middle of no where?"

Lavi thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yep!" He began writing in beautiful cursive. "Oh and don't worry about Tyki and family, he's telling them some lies about last night, telling them to be safe. But they're staying till the wedding."

Allen stared at Lavi in disbelief. "You're all idiots." He mumbled, Lavi simply shrugged and continued writing. "Why would you do that? Stay with me, I mean."

Lavi stopped writing and looked at Allen. "Because your my friend and soon I'll be taking you as my husband. For better or for worse." Allen looked Lavi in the eye, and all he saw was genuine honesty. Lavi turned and signed the paper before getting up.

"What's that?" Allen asked.

"A note," Lavi replied. "It's just to let them know that we haven't been kidnapped." Lavi looked at Allen. "Well, are we going?" He started to leave when he realized Allen was giving him a look. "What?"

"You're going to walk out into town, like that?" Allen asked. He shook his head and went over to his closet. He dug around until he threw one ugly cloth out followed by another. Allen pulled his head out of the wardrobe and picked up the cloth. He walked over to Lavi and dropped one into Lavi's arms.

Lavi held what appeared to be a cloak, out in front if him in disgust. "You want me to wear a rag? In public?" Lavi raised an eyebrow and saw Allen typing the sides of his cloak together.

"If you want not be swarmed for various reasons, I ask that you please do. We will be taking back roads mostly but, people notice." Allen gestured for Lavi to put on his so-called rag. Lavi sighed and put on the cloak, though he was very much disgusted. Allen smiled, "Alright, let's go!" He lead the other prince out a window and across the lawn, watching Lavi struggle was very amusing to Allen because the high and mighty prince can't scale a stone wall.

Allen lead the way to a constantly complaining Lavi. He blocked out the whiny voice of his fiancé and thought about seeing Kanda again.

"Allen! Where are we?" Lavi's whine got Allen's attention. He looked around, seeing a small trail between the trees to his left, he smiled. Allen took off down the trail. "Allen? Allen!" Lavi shouted, running after Allen.

Lavi followed Allen out of the trail through the trees and into a field full of horses. Allen slowed down and approached a brown one, he put his hand on its muzzle and began to stroke it. Allen climbed on the horses back and looked at Lavi.

"Well, get on." Allen said

Lavi gave Allen a look of disgust. "You want my to ride that filthy horse bare back?"

"She is not filthy! And her name is Brownie, she's Kanda's horse, so get your pretentious ass on. Or you can walk the mile and a half to the house." Allen glared at Lavi, who approached the creature and took Allen's out stretched hand. Allen pulled him up and onto the horse.

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