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As Allen stomped down the hall he heard the door behind him open and a voice yell, but didn't pay much attention to it until he heard little feet tapping behind him and a small voice yell, "Prince! Please!" It was little Rhode. Allen stopped and turned to her.

"Yes, honey, what is it?" Allen knelt down.

"I don't know what Mr. Lavi said to you, but I want to tell you that he's really not a bad person. He's usually really sweet, and funny. I just thought you should know." She mumbled.

"Thanks, sweetie. I believe you, I really do. But this is between Lavi and I, and things are quite complicated between us. We both have secrets we are keeping from each other and it's not going to be solved easily. So, honey, don't worry about us, we will figure it out, okay?" She nodded and smiled up at him.
"Now, you go back to your uncle."

"But what about you, aren't you coming back?"

"I just need to be alone for a while. I won't be coming back to the party." She looked at her shoes then nodded and walked back to the ball room.

Allen stood and watched as she walked away. He had been right all along about Tyki and Lavi's secret.


Allen wanted to talk to Kanda. Not that he could. Not for a while. So, after laying in bed for a long while, after having locked the door and ignored Link's continuous knocking, Allen got up, opened his door and went to his fiancé's room, which they were supposed to be sharing, and knocked on the door. It was fairly late at night and well after the party. Whether Lavi was awake or not, Allen didn't know. But he heard the bed moving and feet hitting the floor. When Lavi opened the door and saw Allen he couldn't contain his suprise.

Allen straightened his back and looked at the man he was angry at so long ago. "I would like to apologize-"

"No." Lavi put a hand up then used it to rub his eyes. "You are right. I was a jackass and I didn't take you seriously. I insulted you repeatedly and am a disgrace to the Bookman name. In saying that, I would like to apologize in the most sincere way."

Allen stayed quiet for a minute before saying, "may I come in?" Lavi then moved aside to allow Allen room. Allen walked over to the bed and sat down. He rubbed his hands together and when he felt the bed beside him dip down he looked at Lavi. "I'm really actually very sorry." Lavi opened his mouth but Allen put a hand up and kept talking. "Please just let me speak. I would like to apologize for my actions. There we're times I could have acted more like a responsible prince, as I am supposed to be. And I am sorry for making you look like a fool in front of my people, other nobles, and your boyfriend." Lavi had been looking down at his lap, listening to Allen. But the minute Allen mentioned his boyfriend, Lavi's head shot up and he looked at Allen.

"I have no idea what you mean. I have never had a boyfriend in my life and I do not plan too. I will live my life according to plan and a secret boyfriend is not in those plans." Lavi said

Allen rolled his eyes and flopped down on the bed. "Please. That's the same thing I pulled while I was speaking with Link when you arrived."

Lavi's eyes went wide. "When... I ... Arrived.... You..... No. You don't, that's stupid."Lavi stood abruptly and started pacing

"What do you mean it's stupid?" Allen sat up and leaned forward on the bed. "Am I not allowed to love?"

"No, no. That not it." Lavi sat down again and put his head on his hands. "If we both oppose the marriage, then it can get nulled." Lavi looked Allen in the eye and put his hands on his shoulders. "Then we can get married to who ever we want to!" Lavi was starting to get excited, he looked forward and smiled.

"No. We can't." Allen said as he stood. "Have you forgotten about that stupid war? The entire reason for the marriage! I will not be the one responsible for innocent lives lost." Allen was getting a little angry and the stupidity of his counterpart. "We aren't getting out of this. Sorry, but that's the gist of it." Allen looked straight at Lavi.

"Why? We can make a treaty to keep the peace and defend each other's kingdoms, why does this have to be about marriage? We're royals too, and we could tell the Kings another way to go about this!" Now, Lavi was standing too, he grabbed hold of Allen's arms. "Don't you see? You could get married to your boyfriend!"

"No! I can't!" Allen yelled, screw being quiet. Allen was fuming. Lavi was just not understanding.

"What do you......" Lavi was quiet. He dropped his arms and took a step back. "Oh my God, he's a peasant." He suddenly got quieter.

"He's a good man! You wouldn't understand." He glared at the red haired idiot before him.

"You're in love with a peasant. That's where you go while in town. You go to his shabby house. Why? You have a huge mansion here. Pretty much all to yourself, and you go to a cramped, run down, broken shack."

"Excuse you? That cramped, run down, broken shack has been more like a home to me that this place will ever be. The people there actually care about me!" Allen stomped out of the room. He had come in to apologize to his fiancé but left angry once again. How Allen was going to live with such and ignorant fool was beyond him.

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