The Black Order

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Years ago, a small boy was given to the royal family, he had been living on the streets, an orphan. Until it came to light that he had royal parentage. He was cleaned and taught proper manners, but he never forgot the place he came from. He knew he was a street rat, always had been. In fact, if he had the smart amount of food back then, he would have been perfectly happy. So, in an act of defiance, he joined a crusade. It believed in the well being if all, and equality. It was the Black Order. They strive for fairness amount classes and demanded laws that would benefit them. It was a cause Allen believed in. Prince by day and renegade by night. That was his life for a long while.

His views were changed as he grew older, the Order had gotten unnecessarily violent and he no longer wanted to follow them. He was at odds with several members, some agreed with him after a while, and others saw him becoming the enemy they knew he was. People began to see the Prince, rather than a street rat who wanted equality.

It want until much later that he decided it wasn't worth it any more. The revelation came with a name. Yuu Kanda. He was angry and hated Allen at the beginning, seeing what others did, a bastard Prince. But as time went on, and as they saved each other's lives on many separate occasions, they began to see into each other, and they fell in love.

They knew The Black Order was already questioning Allen, and he couldn't drag Kanda into it too. As he was packing his bags one night, and leaving for good, he was interrupted, by Kanda himself.

He was hurt, and felt betrayed. How could Allen leave him for a life of luxury?

As Allen explained the situation, Kanda made a decision, he would join Allen, live his life as a farm hand with his family, and never return to the Black Order.

Soon, the two had a good thing going, secretive as it was, it was safer, and calmer. Allen continued to advocate for peaceful equality of the classes, though it was slow going. The Black Order didn't see it this way. They saw loose ends in both Allen and Kanda, and in the back of their minds, they knew it. And it was only a matter of time before they would have to face the people they once knew as family.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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