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Lavi listened to feet running up and down the halls as he tried to fall asleep. Allen's words were ringing in his ears.The longer he thought about Allen and how he thought no one cared about him, the more he realized Allen had nearly no one. And that no one ever saw him as any more than a prince.

Lavi rolled onto his side and looked at the light streaming under his door, he watched as shadows past, he had never seen so many people running past his door. He decided to get up and check out what happened. He opened his door as he saw a young woman scurry past.

"Excuse me?" Lavi said.

The woman jumped and spun around, sighing in relief. "Oh, prince Lavi! It's just you! Sorry, you scared me, my apologies. But I must get going, Sir. Allen needs my assistance." She was about to turn when Lavi stopped her.

"What happened to him?"

"Please, sire, I must go!" She backed up and returned to running. Lavi followed her and saw Link pacing on the foyer.

"Link, what's happened?"

"Oh! Lavi! Thank god! Allen, someone tried to kill him, he protected me! That's not his job! It's my job!" Link was hyperventilating, his eyes were wide and he obviously had been up for too long.

"Link, Allen's ok right?" He nodded, "where is he?" Lavi asked calmly hoping to stop Link from fainting

"He's.... He's uh, in the infirmary, I'll take you there."

"No, you won't, I'll find someone else to take me. Please go to sleep, you look like you need it." Link look Lavi in the eye before nodding and agreeing I go to sleep. Though, Link doubted he was going to get much sleep.

Lavi turned around and saw and nurse with a clip board walking. She was small, skinny and didn't have much of a presence. Her pigtails were long and dark, they were the most prominent thing about her. "Excuse me, could you take me to the infirmary?"

"Going to see master Allen?" When Lavi nodded she gestured for him to follow. "He collapsed from exhaustion and shock. He will be fine, nothing a little rest won't help." The nurse pointed to a bed with the curtain pulled around it. "He should be sleeping, please try not to wake him." Lavi nodded.

"Before you leave," he caught her arm, which felt stronger than it looked originally, "what's you're name?"

"Pardon me sir! I am Lenalee. If you need anything else, I'm always here to help." This girl seemed oddly perky and smiley in light of what happened. Lavi nodded and let her go.

He walked over to the curtain and gently pulled it back to reveal a crown of wet white hair scribbling on a paper. Lavi smiled and sighed, making Allen's head shoot up.

"Lavi! What are you doing here, you should be sleeping!" Allen set the paper to the side. He had been doodling, it looked like a man, with really long hair. "You could get sick!"

"You almost died, and you're worried about me?" Lavi walked forward and sat on the edge of Allen's bed. "They said two people were dead. Did you kill them?"

Allen shrugged. When he looked at Lavi he realized that he wanted an actual answer as to what happened. "Yes, it was me. Adrenaline and all that. Caught in the moment."

Lavi looked at Allen a little skeptical but let it go."Before we go any further I want to apologize for earlier, and I know I don't deserve it but, can you forgive me?"

Allen smiled a solemn smile, "on one condition."

Lavi raised his eyebrows, turned to face Allen all the way and got a hopeful look on his face. "Anything."

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