Stress left, right, and centre

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Allen walked off on his own towards the barn to the left of them, when Lavi went to follow, Kanda held him back. Allen needed a bit of time to think.

Allen paced back and forth in the barn. He didn't know. He just didn't know anything. He felt so powerless. Why now? Why her? Kanda said no one sees her, so why did he? Wasn't she better than to get angry on the job? Any rookie knows that. Didn't she know if no one sees you, there's nothing anyone can do? 

But, maybe that's it! Maybe she wanted to be seen! She wanted Allen to know she was there! But... Why would she want to be seen? To give herself away? No. That didn't make any sense. Maybe it was go get him to watch his back! But that would just make her job harder.

Allen continued to think but everything he came up with made less sense than the last proposition to himself. A fair amount of time must have passed because Kanda walked over, grabbed his shoulders, and looked him in the eye.

"We will figure it out ok? But you have to get going. It's going to get dark and the last thing we need is you and pretty boy over there" Kanda nodded his head towards Lavi who was still sitting in the old wood chair. "alone in the dark."

Allen knew Kanda was right. But it was still bothering him. Probably would for a while. That and he had to leave Kanda so soon after just getting to the farm. Allen nodded and looked up at Kanda. "I have something for you." Kanda released his shoulders and gave him a skeptical look as he reached into his expensive chest pocket. He pulled out a small envelope and handed it to Kanda. It had golden letters on the front that read 'Kanda Yuu' in fancy script.

Kanda gave Allen a funny look, but opened it anyway. After a quick glance, Kanda lowered that paper and stared at Allen. "You're serious?" Kanda dead panned. Allen nodded. "You want me, your boyfriend, who loves you, to come to your wedding, in which you're getting married to a man who isn't me."

Allen have a quick nod. "It's something I need you there for." He set his hand on Kanda's cheek." I have all the arrangements for your pick up in the royal carriage and your new clothes should be at the castle tomorrow." Allen smiled a genuine smile, one he only gets around Kanda

Kanda sighed, "you know I hate it when you pay for stuff for me." Kanda took Allen's hand off his face and caressed it.

"I know! But think of this as a present!" Allen squeezed Kanda's hand, "please come." He said quietly

Kanda thought for a while, then opened his mouth. "You should get going."

Allen's eyes looked down to his boots and he pulled away from Kanda. "Lavi! It's getting dark, we have to go." Allen watched as his fiancé got up and brushed himself off. He turned back to Kanda. "Will you please come? It would be easier if you were there." Kanda raised an eyebrow, still not convinced. "Everyone else has someone who they love there! Even Lavi!" Kanda still didn't answer.

"What about me?" Lavi said to Allen, who hadn't realized he'd gotten that close.

"Nothing. We.... We should get going." Allen looked once more at Kanda.

Kanda looked at his boyfriends pleading gaze and sighed. "When will the carriage be here?"

Allen's eyes sparkled, "two hours before it says on the invitation. I'll get you dressed at the castle. Just be there." Allen smiled and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. "Thank you." Allen hugged Kanda quickly and said "I love you, wait for me." With his face in Kanda's neck.

When Allen let go, Kanda kissed his head and whispered, "always."

Kanda watched as the two men rode off on his horse to the edge of the farm. this is going to be one hell of a night. he thought.

Allen huffed as he flopped into his bedroom window. He laid there for a second before he heard a small yelp from Lavi, who was still hanging on the side of the castle. Allen shot up and leaned out the window; after pulling Lavi up and onto the floor like a dead fish, they both huffed and closed their eyes.

"Young Master Allen! I can't believe you did this!" Allen's eyes shot open. Standing directly in front of him was Link. "You left the castle completely unprotected, and alone! While someone is trying to kill you!" He said sternly.

Allen stood up, "I can take care of myself, Link."

Link sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Maybe you can but Lavi can't. You put both of your lives on the line. Did you ever think that you were risking him too?! If he died in our kingdom, because of you, how would you feel? Not only that, his family would blame us and start an all out war!"

Allen winced when Link raised his voice. Allen knew Link was right, but it was imperative for Allen to see Kanda. He had information they needed, not that he could tell that to Link. "I'm sorry.... I wasn't thinking..." He turned to Lavi, "and I'm sorry to you to, I could have caused great loss."

Lavi smiled and stood up, "no, it's fine, I made you a promise and kept it. Isn't that what this entire situation is about anyway?" Lavi smiled at Allen, who slowly nodded and smiled a small, grateful smile back.

Link still didn't seem impressed though, he huffed and gave Allen the 'we'll talk about this later' look. "you two have a wedding tomorrow, go to your rooms and get some sleep. It's going to be a long day." With that, he strode out of the room that had been cleared of any trace of blood while they were gone.

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