A Reluctant Wedding

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All Allen had heard from the guests and servants up to this moment was how important, lovely, romantic, and beautiful it all was.

They obviously didn't see Allen puking into the toilet before the ceremony. He had been putting on a brave face, trying to get through the day, but that shattered the minute Kanda left his side. After Kanda had walked into the hall to await the ceremony, Allen took off to his chambers and threw up in the toilet.

The pounding at his door wasn't helping with how horrible he was feeling either. Allen looked up from the toilet bowl, more pale than usual and feeling a whole lot worse than the first time he was stabbed. "Go. Away."

The pounding stopped but was followed by a sigh. "Allen, it's your wedding. You are an integral part of it, you can't just not show!" It was Link. He'd been trying to get Allen down to the ceremony for quite some time.

At the sound of the word wedding Allen puked into the toilet once again. "I'm the prince! I can do what I please!" Allen's shout echoed in the toilet bowl.

Another sigh, "Fine. If you won't listen to me, I'll get someone you will listen to."  At the sound of Link's retreating foot steps Allen took a deep breath. He know full well he couldn't skip his own wedding, not when it played such a large part in alignment of the kingdoms to prevent war. He closed his eyes. And let himself relax. 

This lasted about a minute. Before there was a light tapping on the door. Allen rolled his eyes. "Link. For the last time, go away!"

The was a snort behind the door before a low voice said, "You better wish it was Link. He has to go easy on you." Allen sat in silence. Of course Link got Kanda, he's the only person Allen would listen to. After a lack of response Allen heard a small ticking at his door. 

When the, now unlocked, door opened Allen rolled his head to the side and raised an eye brow at his boyfriend. "Did you really just pick the lock on my bedroom door?"

Kanda put a small leather case back in his jacket pocket and crouched next to Allen. "Yes. Quiet easily too, you should probably get that fixed." His eyes were closed now, like he didn't want Kanda to see him. "Look at me," Kanda whispered "I know you're scared. I know you're scared. I get it. I'm scared too. But you said it yourself, this is for the good of your people. And, through all that we've been through, I have never once been upset with you because I know that your kingdom means the absolute most to you." Allen stayed quiet. So, Kanda nodded to himself and stood up. He grabbed a cloth and got some water on it. "I love you, and we will figure our mess out after you figure your kingdom's mess out." He gently dabbed Allen's face with the wet cloth.

Allen opened his eyes and grabbed the cloth from Kanda. "It's going to be today. I have this dreadful feeling in my stomach. it's such a Black Order thing to do." Instead of upset, Allen just seemed angry.

Kanda smiled, "You're right. It is. That's why you, me, and every guard is armed to the brim." Kanda stood up, dragging Allen along with. "The Black Order won't stop, we both know it. So, what are we going to do about it?"

Allen paused, looked Kanda in the eye, and said. "So, I'll tell you what were going to do about it."

It was time for battle. If all went as properly planned, he and Lavi would get married, have a ball, spend the wedding night together, and prevent war.

But once Allen was at the alter with his fiancé, all that seemed to be a thousand miles away. Him and Lavi had made an agreement that their wedding night wouldn't be spent in the traditional way. In all honesty, wasn't a very long conversation. But if Allen could get through his vows, everything else seemed like a walk in the park.

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