The start of a new adventure

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Allen threw his hood up making sure it covered his hair. That was what always gave him away, his white hair could be spotted a mile away by a blind man. His hair was a pristine white, obviously washed and primped. Where as everyone else was greasy from head to toe, covered in dirt and sweat. With such a contrast, he stood out. Allen made his way out of town and to the small farm where his boyfriend lived. It was a bit of a walk, but it was one Allen enjoyed very much as it reminded him of what he was going to become as a prince and of what he was going to stay when he became king.

He knocked on the door and was greeted by an old man, Tiedoll, he was Kanda's father.

"Ah, my prince!" Tiedoll bowed

"I believe I told you not to bow. Sir, it makes me uncomfortable." Allen said politely "also, I'm Allen to you."

"Yes but sir, if I get out of habit, what happens when I meet a royal not as kind?"

"You make a good point, master Tiedoll." Allen smiled, Tiedoll always had good intentions and was very kind to Allen.

"The same goes for you, my boy! Just Tiedoll is fine." The man laughed "well, I supposed you didn't come all the way from the castle to speak with an old sot like me, Yuu is in the back. I sent him to let out the cattle but that was three hours ago!" He laughed and pointed to where Kanda usually does his training. "If he's anywhere, it's there."

"Thank you." Allen said running off to the place he knew all too well.


Making his way through the trees, Allen came to an opening. It had a large rock just on the outside edge but other than that, no difference to any other clearing you would find in any old forest. Allen didn't know what about it made it special, maybe it was the fact that it was where him and Kanda met, or maybe it was the way the trees covered that top so they felt that it was their own personal bubble. Either way, it felt comfortable.

Allen leaned up against a tree and watched his boyfriend sit doing meditation. He looked so peaceful, not because of the relaxing effect meditation has but because this was the only time Allen got to enjoy such a beautiful sight.

"Are you just going to stand there all day, or are you going to give your boyfriend a kiss?" Laughing, Allen got up off the tree and tackled Kanda to the ground. Allen kissed him lightly before Kanda flipped them over and kissed Allen with more vigour. There had been times when they spent more than a couple of days apart, but neither of the two liked that very much. And those days were never as stressful as these ones had been. There was so many variables for this past couple of days that Allen was happy to have Kanda right back where he belongs. By Allen's side.

Breaking apart for air, Kanda looked down at the boy he was straddling with loving eyes. There was nothing he loved more, not that Kanda would ever say that. "Is there any news?" Kanda asked

"About?" Allen asked sitting up on his elbows

"About your marriage, idiot!" Kanda smacked him up side the head before moving his log over and sitting beside his white haired boyfriend.

"Ow." Allen glared at Kanda, who glared back at him, "there isn't anything new to tell, I'm getting married at the end of the week as per the plan, then we go on with our lives." Allen sighed and stood up, beginning walking around. "I don't want to do this..." He mumbled

Allen heard Kanda stand up but he didn't turn around to face him. "I don't want you to either, but you and I both knew this was going to happen. We always did." Allen felt arms wrap around his waist and he leaned his head against Kanda's broad chest.

"Doesn't make it any easier." He muttered. "I don't even know how this is going to work! I have duties as a prince and with Lavi here we-"

"Hold up. You're on a first name basis with this creep?" Allen smirked and turned around.

"Does that bother you?" Allen placed his hands on Kanda's chest, looking up at him before he pushed himself out of Kanda's arms. "That Lavi though. He's tall, and has fiery red hair that can't be contained." Allen started walking away slowly. "He's actually quite handsome and he has this sense of humor. And don't even get me started on his ass!" Just then Allen heard metal scraping and turned around to see Kanda had his sword out. He looked like he was ready to sever the head off any one who came near him.

Allen started laughing, "come on! I was joking!" The seething Kanda sheathed his sword but wasn't laughing.

Kanda started walking towards Allen. "Do not ever joke about that." Kanda said, obviously not in a joking mood.

Allen leaned up against him once again, for a moment he thought Kanda was actually angry but not a second later, Kanda's arms were around Allen once again. He sighed and closed his eyes. "You know the actual reason I came to see you is because I have something to tell you." Kanda hummed and began to sway. "Kanda, I won't see you for a few days after this." Allen said

"A few days?"

"Actually, it's around three weeks." Allen pushed away from Kanda and looked in his eyes. "It's going to be hard, I know but I can't avoid these responsibilities."

"I don't like you hanging around that creep." Kanda commented "watch yourself around him, ok?" Kanda brought his hand up and brushed some hair out of Allen's eyes. He placed his hand on the younger boys cheek, rested his forehand against Allen's, and closed his eyes

"Kanda, I have to leave now..." Allen mumbled. He felt his boyfriend nod and then pulled away, "I love you, wait for me."

"Always." Kanda kissed Allen then watched as the boy ran home, to the big castle of his. Where he was forbidden to see his lover.

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