Prepare for battle

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Allen woke up without a disturbed sleep, which worried him. Ok, yes, usually a person would be relieved when they wake up without a murder attempt, but it just meant that they had something bigger planned. That, Allen was sure of. He had made the decision to send Tyki and his family home as soon as possible, for everyone's sake. He wished he could send Lavi home, the man couldn't defend himself and if he got hurt Allen would only blame himself. Allen got out of bed and looked at his tux hanging from the closet door that was all black. A complete contrast to Lavi's suit, which was stark white, and would have made Allen look like a ghost. He sighed and hopped out of bed, this was it, If anything bad was going to happen it was going to happen today.

There was a knock at the door which Allen knew was Link, he always knocked the same way, and told him to come in. Allen gave him a sad smile and received one back, they both knew this was going to be hard.

It was quiet as Link helped Allen into his day shirt, until Allen spoke up, "Link, Kanda is coming, he will be here two hours before the ceremony and his clothes are on top of the chest over there, he will need your help getting dressed."

Link stopped buttoning Allen's vest and looked at him, "Not to be rude sir but, can you explain to me how you think this is a good idea?"

Allen started buttoning up the vest instead of Link and replied, "It isn't a good idea-"

"Well, at least you're aware"

Allen gave him a look and continued, "But, I need moral support. Do you think I could have gotten this far without him?"

The look Allen was given was one of obvious pity. "Sire, I think you're capable of more than you can imagine, but because this is important to you, I will help him into his clothing."

Allen gave a genuine smile this time, "Thank you, Link. And make sure you tell him that I'm making you help him, otherwise he's not going to agree to anything."  Allen knew he could trust Link to do this for him. He could trust Link with anything.

That wasn't the biggest of his worries though. And if Allen was being honest, he still didn't know exactly how it was going to work with Kanda and Lavi once he was married, but it would defiantly be easier now that Lavi knew who Kanda actually was.

"Now, if you'll excuse me there is a few things I need to over see before I have to tend to your guest." Link said before bowing and turning to leave. Just as he reached the door, Allen called to him

Link turned around and gazed at Allen, "Thank you, Link, for everything." Allen said. His voice almost sounded sad, but his smile was so genuine that Link dismissed the thought.


Allen sat with next to Lavi at the large table in the events hall. Head of the table, in the middle of everything, centre of attention. Allen never felt less comfortable. They were in the middle of last minute preparations, the wedding only a few hours away. Most of the planing had been done by servants and other employees, basically all Allen had to do was to show up. Which was fine by him. Get in, get out, then figure out how to survive. Not just the assassination attempts, but also loving Kanda but being married to Lavi.

Allen idly wondered where Kanda was, and if he could see him before the wedding. It was unlikely, but Allen often did the unthinkable.

"And with that, your highnesses are prepared for your wedding." Allen turned his head towards the lady speaking, he recognized her as the hired wedding planner. And, once again, Allen hadn't heard a thing she said.

Allen leaned over to Lavi, "What did she say?"

Lavi laughed a bit, before turning to Allen and ruffling his hair. "Nothing important, don't worry. We can do this, scarier things have happened than this." Allen smiled but turned his attention to the door as it opened.

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