A boring ass dinner party

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"Sir, please hurry up or you will be late." Link said kindly

"I'm not going to be late, Link!" Allen walked out of the bathroom, ruffling his hair with the towel. Throwing the towel on the floor, he picked up his shirt and vest, buttoning them up quickly. "I will be right on time."

"Your highness, I have told you, on time is late. And please do stop throwing your towel on the floor, I have enough problems trying to keep you in order, I don't need to have to keep your floor clean as well." Link picked up the dirtied towel and folded it over his arm.

"Sorry, I know you hate it but I'm in a bit of a rush." Allen said, he began looking around his room. "Where is it?" He said

"Sir? Are you looking for this?" Allen whipped his head behind him, and low and behold, there was Link, holding the very thing he was scrounging for. "Come here, you really are a mess." Link said, tying the bow just the way Allen liked it and pushed him towards the door. "Go, I cannot follow you, I must make a detour and get the plates ready. Please, do not get yourself lost." Link said before turning the opposite way and left Allen to walk to the dining hall himself.

Booking it to the dining hall, one of Allen's favorite places so he never got lost. Opening one of the large doors, he saw everyone at the table waiting for him. Quietly he took his seat beside Lavi and folded his hands in his lap.

"Nice of you to join us, Prince." The king said "you kept our guests waiting."

"I apologize, Prince Lavi and King Bookman, I was running late on my trip into town, it will not happen again." Allen said with as much sincerity as he could muster, he really did not want to be here

"You have nothing to apologize for, my idiot grandson woke up just before you walked in." Bookman replied

Holding back a snicker, "thank you for your understanding." Allen said with a smile, he could get used to having the old man around

"Well, if that's all done, let's begin with the food." Cross shouted and soon enough, the kitchen staff were bringing out plates and platters, the servants of the royals with pitchers of water and wine.

"Why is there so much food?" Lavi asked in complete wonder

The king looked at Allen who hung his head, "the boy eats a lot."

"Allen? Dude, your tiny! You look fifteen!" Lavi said, Allen didn't think it was supposed to sound mean but being eighteen it hurt a bit.

"Lavi! You are a guest in his house, be polite, idiot." The Bookman said to his grandson.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." The man said, he was older than Allen by a good two years but he acted so childish

"It's ok, really, I'm used to it." Allen commented. It was true, everyone asked about his appetite but the way Lavi said it was a bit rude, not that he would tell anyone that.

Dinner was long and boring, the kings discussed politics, the marriage, how the lands are doing. Boring stuff. While he and Lavi sat quietly, not truly talking, just asking for certain things and making annoying small talk. Neither looked at the other, it was as if both if them had something to hide.

/He obviously doesn't want to do this anymore than I do. But what does he have to hide? He won't look me in the eye and the closer it gets to the ceremony the further away he seems. I guess it could be because he is nervous but nerves don't look like this, this seems more like reluctance./ Allen thought to himself, there was no way Lavi had more to hide than Allen, and as bad as he knows it is, he was going to find out what had his fiancé in such a reluctant mood.

Once dinner was over and most of the food had disappeared down Allen's stomach, they were ushered out if the dining hall and into their respective rooms to get ready for the welcome party. Allen decided that there was no better time to get started on his investigation like the present. Quietly following Lavi to his room, he found nothing out of the ordinary. From what he saw of the room it was furnished beautifully and primped perfectly for the royal guest. His servant and maid walked in after him, the ones he brought from his castle, and that was it. There was no conversations, just a quick question and answer, but other than that, not one of the three made a sound. Huffing, Allen walked to his own room where Link would be waiting for him.

"Sir, may I ask what took you so long?" Link said as Allen walked into his room. Allen didn't like having his servant dote on him like he couldn't do anything for himself. Allen walked to his bed and sat down while waiting for Link

"There is something about our guest that I can't put my finger on." Allen replied. He told Link almost everything. Allen had no other friends in the castle, and no one to really talk to so his servant was the closest to regular human contact as he could get.

"Does he seem dangerous? Or have ill intentions?" Link asked, rifling through Allen's closet. There were somethings Allen's could and could not do. Picking out proper clothes for a welcome party fell into the category of something he could not do properly.

"No, nothin like that. It just seems that he is reluctant to be married." Allen said, standing up and unbuttoning his vest.

"It's probably just nerves, sir." Link replied, pulling out a dark grey suit from Allen's closet.

"At first I thought that too. But the closer it gets to the wedding the more I think he's hiding something." Allen said pulling off his pants. Link handed him the suit shirt, a white button up, not to different than the one he just had on.

"But you don't think it's dangerous?" Link asked, buttoning up Allen's shirt.

"No, like I said before, it's like he doesn't want anything to do with me." Allen replied as Link slipped a black vest onto Allen but leaving it open.

"Like you want nothing to do with him?" Link smiled, handing Allen the pants, knowing that Allen doesn't like having other people put his pants on. That and he was a little afraid of what the boy's lover would do if he found out he had been that close.

"Kinda." Allen though for a moment, "wait, Link are you saying he is in his own relationship?" Allen asked, buttoning up his pants.

"I'm saying it's entirely possible." Link said, walking forward and tying Allen's tie for him. Then Allen tucked his shirt into his pants, laid the tie flat against his chest and began to button up his vest. "You aren't the only one who wants to find love." Link finished.

"Do you have someone you love?" Allen asked.

"No, my lord, I can't say I do. Not around here anyway." Link finished, holding the dark grey jacket out for Allen.

"Link! You have someone somewhere else?! And you never told me?" Allen yelled.

"Sir, please do keep it down. We don't need everyone over hearing us." Link scolded. In all these years, Allen still acted as childish as when he was adopted. He still hadn't gotten used to being royal and some of their customs Allen just found wrong. He mumbled a sorry and took the jacket before Link continued, "where do you think I go when you're in that little village?"

"You go into town too?" Allen asked

"Yes, don't you think it would look a bit suspicious if you always ran around by yourself. If I'm here and you're gone, we could both be in trouble. My lord, pardon me, but you really should think things through." Link said, making Allen laugh.

"I guess it makes sense, sorry you always have to be away from them." Allen said, he hates being away from Kanda, he can't imagine having to be Link, who stays at the castle, away from his loved ones.

"You don't have to be sorry, I have a job and I still get to see my boyfriend because of you, I couldn't ask for a better person to serve." Link said. Allen smiled, he was glad that Link had no problem. "My lord, we better be getting down to the ball room, can't be late for that too." Allen nodded and followed Link out. When they got to the ball room doors Link looked at Allen who nodded and, opening the double doors, announced the arrival of the prince to everyone. As Allen walked through the crowd of people, they split like the sea did for Moses, he kept his head high and knew that tonight he was on his own.

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