Lavi is an ass

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It was long and boring. About half an hour in when Link told Allen he had to dance with someone or else he would seem like he does not care about the other royals. Allen then replied that he doesn't and earned himself a scolding look from his servant. Sighing, Allen stood up and walked over to a lonely girl, sitting at a table.

"Excuse me, miss?" Allen said politely. And the girl looked up at him. She had spiky purple hair and a cute face, she appeared to be no older than ten. "You look a bit lonely, care to dance?" He asked

She looked down at the table and shook her head. "No thanks, I'd rather just sit." She mumbled

It peaked Allen's curiosity as to why this girl shied away at dancing, most absolutely loved it, especially if it was with a prince. He pulled out a chair across from her, at this action she looked up in shock. "Now, why would a lovely girl like yourself not want to dance?" He asked.

"Because I can't." She said quietly.

Smiling, Allen leaned close to her, "Can you keep a secret?" He asked the little girl sitting across from him. She nodded her head quickly "You can't laugh though," he said and she nodded, "pinky promise?" He asked sticking out his pinky. With a grin she hooked her pinky around his and leaned closer to him. "I can't dance either." He said quietly.

She giggled, but soon smacked her hand over her mouth to try and stop the giggles that wouldn't stop. Laughing, Allen stood up and held out his had. "Now, let's go pretend we know how do dance." She nodded and took his hand. Lifting her up so her face was level with his they danced like children around the room.

"Announcing his royal highness, Prince Lavi Bookman." A servant shouted from the doors, stopping the already quiet music and halting everyone's feet, before shuffling back to make room for Lavi to strut through. Allen picked up his smaller dance partner and carried her off to the side. Lavi took a seat next to Allen's, as he sat down and the music began again. Allen could see Lavi looking around for him but he really didn't care. Allen smiled at the girl and began to pretend to waltz, making her giggle. Out of the corner if his eye he saw Lavi staring at him. Finishing his rotation he then set the little girl down and kneeled in front of her.

"I have to go now, but what is your name?" Allen asked.

"Rhode," she said with a smile.

"Alright, Rhode, I'll see you later, maybe we can dance at my wedding too, ok?" He asked.

"Pinky promise?" She asked quietly, obviously not sure if she should. Allen's smile grew as he held out his pinky for her to shake.

"Promise." He said as she gingerly hooked her small finger around his much bigger one.  Standing up, he ruffled her hair and walked away. Turning his head when he was almost at his throne, he saw her jumping up and down in front of a older man and waving her arms. The man smiled and knelt down to kiss her forehead, then went to get drinks.

Allen sat down in his throne with a bit of a grin. "What were you doing?" He heard from beside him, looking over he saw an irritated Lavi.

"What I'm supposed to be doing, getting the other nobles to like me." Allen said, probably more snotty than needed.

"You are acting like a child." He said with obvious anger.

"She was lonely, and these parties are boring for kids, if I act like a child to make one happy, fine by me." Allen said, he didn't know how he was going to live with such a stubborn and aggravating man.

"You are a prince, and the only heir to the throne, you need to be responsible, it's time you grow up a bit."

"I am completely grown up, I'm just trying to make sure everyone is happy while they are in my kingdom." Allen said, his happy mood from playing with the little girl all but sapped out of him.

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