Chapter 12

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I hear someone open the door, El stood over me with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry sis. Are you calm enough to go in?" She asks.

"Yes," I sniffle, wiping my eyes.

El takes my hand and helps me up. I walk back into the room, the doctors look at me with pity.

"I'm sorry," one of them says sadly.

"It's alright," I sigh.

"Honey, maybe you should stay a while, I think you need a break from everything," my 'mom' said.

"What? No! I'm going home with Eleanor," I protest.

"Alright, I was just trying to help," she sighs.

"Could we get a flight right away?" I ask El.

"Yeah, I'll get the fastest one I can," she sighs, doing something on her phone.

"You can stay at home, I'm sure Sophia would love to see you. She will flip when she see's Eleanor," my 'mom' smiled.

"We have to, I can't get a plane until tomorrow."

"I- uh I guess," I stutter.

"Excuse me everyone," a nurse says clearing her throat.

"I'm sorry but visiting hours are over, please exit the building," she said giving us a weak smile.

Different nurses push us out of the room. I burst into tears, my best friend died, I needed someone more than anything. I heard my phone beep, signaling a text.

"Are you alright? What happened? Is Emma ok?" Niall texted me.

"I'll call you later..."

We got back into my 'mom's' truck and drove to my old house. I almost cried just at the sight of it. We walked inside and Sophia was watching TV, she had red puffy eyes.

"Why do I have to lose both sisters, why can't I just have my sisters back," I could hear her whispering.

"I've got a huge surprise for you!" 'Mom' cheered.

Eleanor was behind me, hiding. I was hiding behind 'mom'.Sophia looked up, her face brightening slightly. My mom stepped out of the way and Sophia tackled me in a hug.

"Ava! I can't believe it's you," she smiled.

"I know. I would like you to meet someone," I say stepping out of the way.

"This is Eleanor Calder, my sister," I smile.

Sophia turns flushed and she froze. She wouldn't move so I waved a hand in front of her face.

"Sophia?" I ask tilting my head.

"Oh, sorry," she mutters.

"It's nice to finally meet you! You and Louis are so cute! I can't even explain it. I didn't know you we're my step sister's sister! That's just amazing! Or should I say AmaZayn? Anyway, I'm Sophia," my sister rambles on.

"Aw, thanks! I'm Eleanor but you already know that," El giggles.

"By the way, your accent is amazing! I wish I had a British accent," Sophia says sadly.

"Thanks love but it's not that great. I love American accents," she smiles.

"Babe, did you-" my 'dad' says walking in but he cuts himself off.

"Ava?" He asks stunned.

"Yeah, it's me," I say sadly.

My 'dad' takes me in a bear hug, one of the things I loved about him.

"So this is you're sister," he says smiling.

"Yep, this is Eleanor Calder."

"Nice to meet you."

"You too," El replies smiling, making her eyes squint.

"How about you two go hang out in your old room while I go cook a family dinner?" My 'dad' suggests.

"Yeah sure," I smile.

I drag her upstairs and plop down on my old bed.

"Nice room," she comments, looking around.

"Thanks," I smile.

"I'll be right back," I say, walking out of the room and back down the steps.

I go outside and dial Niall's number quickly. He picks up on the third ring.

"Hello Ava," he sighs.

I burst out crying right then and I could hear his panicked voice over the other end.

"What's wrong?"

"She's s-she's gone," I stutter.

"What do you mean?"

"She died! Because of Jake! I want to kill him!" I exploded, I just couldn't take it anymore.

I kept yelling, non stop. Niall just stayed silent the whole time, listening to me say horrible things. After I finished I spoke in a normal voice.

"I'm sorry," I mutter embarrassed at myself.

"It's not a problem, you needed to vent. Just don't do anything wreck less, for me," Niall pleaded.

"I promise," I sigh.

"Liam wants to talk to you," Niall sighs and I can hear the phone being taken.

"Hello Ava," he breathes.

"Hi Liam."

I explained everything that happened and I yelled again but of course he understood.

"I'm so sorry Ava, you are such a strong girl."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are, I promise you are the first girl I have ever met that has had to deal with this kind of stuff. Being stolen, your best friend gone, I'm sorry."

"It's not you're fault Liam. I've got to go, tell the rest I said bye," and with that I hung up.

I wiped the tears that I didn't notice were there until a second ago away, trying to calm myself down. I can get through this, I know I can. Even Liam said so. I was outside for a good hour, true fully, I wanted to get as far away from here as possible, I missed the lads.

© foreva1d 2013

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