Chapter 28

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I could hear them from my room because Louis' room was right beside mine.

"El, I love you to the ends of the world but we've been kind of distant lately."

"Where are you going with this?"

"I think we should take a break.

"W-what?" She stutters.

"I just think we should take a little break, we need some time to think this though."

"L- Louis, please don't do this. I need you."

"I'm sorry love, we need to do this."

"Alright," she whispers.

I hear a door open and close. I sigh, hoping off the bed and going to El's door. I knew she would need someone. I knock on the door, waiting for her to respond but all I get is muffled sobs. I slowly turn the knob and look at her frowning. She was curled in a ball on her bed with covers over her.

"El, you can talk to me."

"I don't want to," she mumbled.

"I'm sorry El, I know Louis loves you. So do you."

"I don't know anymore," she sobbed.

"He just needs a break, I'm sure he'll change his mind when he's ready."

"No he won't."

"How about we call the girls? We can eat Ben and Jerry's and watch The Notebook."

"Alright," she sniffles.

"I'll text everyone."

I take out my phone and go to the texting.

To: Perrie and Angel: Hey girls. Ben and Jerry's anyone? Come over ASAP!

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked over to El. I pulled off the covers and pushed her over on her side. Her eyes were puffy and red, no surprise.

From Angel: Omc, did you and Niall break up?

From Perrie: What happened babe? Sure, I'll be over in 10.

To Angel and Perrie: I'll explain later

"They're on their way. I would get cleaned up El," I sigh, walking towards the door.

I stop just at the door, turning my head.

"I'm really sorry El," I frown and then leave.

I could hear Louis screaming and crying from outside his door. I didn't want to bug him so I just left him alone. I felt bad for the both of them but I couldn't do anything about it. My foot was still killing me but I could now walk on it.

"What's going on?" Liam asks, making me jump.

"You shouldn't be walking on that," he scolds.

I think he heard Louis because he froze. He looked at me questionably, tilting his head.

"What's wrong?"

"El and Lou are taking a break."

"What? Why?" He asks, gasping.

"I don't know exactly. I think Lou said they were getting distant."

"That's horrible," Liam sighs.

"The girls are coming over. Do you mind keeping the lads busy?"

"No, I'll just go talk to them," he said and left.

I heard the door ding so I rushed down the steps and opened the door. They both rushed inside, almost knocking me over but I steadied myself before I fell.

"Explain now!" They both demanded.

"Let's go to El's room," I tell them, leading them upstairs to her room.

"El?" Perrie asks frowning.

"What?" She groans.

"What in the world happened?" Angel asks.

"Louis said he needed a break," she mumbled.

The two worried girls gasped loudly, looking over at me. I nod my head and turn towards El.

"Are you alright babe?"

"Ava, stop trying to butter it up!" El explodes.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to help," I frown.

"Just please leave," she groans, annoyed.

"Fine," I sigh, walking out, tears welding in my eyes.

I hear the door slam downstairs and a car start up. I guess I'll be alone for a while. I went to my room and crawled into my bed, putting my head in my pillow.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped," El sighs, outside my door.

I limp over and give her a weak smile.

"It's alright, I understand."

"Let's watch the movie now," she sighs.

"Ok," I smile, walking out of my room.

"Where did the lads go?"

"I don't know, they just went out."

We all headed into the living room and popped in the movie. We went to the kitchen and got the ice cream. We sat down on the floor and watched movies all night.


Hello! So I need two people in this book so I'm going to have a contest. I need Harry's girl and Louis' temporary girlfriend. So just put the name you would like, age, personality, and what you want to look like. Thx! :)

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