Chapter 29

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My face felt scratchy, like I was lying on the carpet. I opened my eyes and saw that I was on the carpet, right beside Perrie. It still was dark outside so I guess it was still in the middle of the night. I run a hand through my brown wavy, frizzy hair and sit up, my hair falling in my face. I hear a door open from upstairs and a dizzy Niall coming down the stairs.

"Babe, you alright?" I ask frowning.

He jumps in surprise, giving me a look.

"Did the monkeys eat all the cheese because I saw one in the kitchen."

"I think you're just tired," I giggle.

"But they're going to eat all my cheese!"

I stand up and walk over to Niall, leading him back upstairs. I lead him into his room and push him on the bed.

"Tell the monkeys that I said to not eat any."

"Goodnight Niall," I chuckle, leaving the room.

I think I'm going to prank Louis, he deserves it. I go Niall's bathroom and get some wash out hair dye. I go out and go into Louis' shower. I grab his shampoo bottle and put the bright red hair dye in it, mixing it in, the color blending right in. Perfecto! I go to my room and fall on my bed, instantly falling asleep, dreaming of Niall.

"Love, wake up," someone's deep voice said in my ear.

I shot out of bed shouting

"No! The cheese!" Before blushing like crazy.

"What in the world?" Harry chuckles.

"Nothing, just blame Niall," I groan, sticking my head in the pillow.

"Get up! Someone is going to be here soon! I can't wait for you to meet her," he smiles.

"Ooh, Harry got himself a girl?" I smirk, chanting it over and over.

"Shut up," he blushes.

"Alright, now out! I'm getting dressed," I smirk.

"Ok, ok," he says, throwing his hands up.

I roll out of bed, literally and fall on the floor flat on my face. I quickly recover and stand up. I pick out a black skirt and put on a white flowy top, tucking it in. I put on some sandals and I'm done. I hear a scream from the bathroom and I know who it is.

"Eleanor! Ava! Perrie! Angel!" Lou screams.

I grin to myself and exit my room, looking at Lou who was in a towel that was at his waist.

"Vas happening?" I ask fake frowning.

"Did you do this?" He asks, pointing to his red hair.

"No, Zayn did it!"

"Did what?" Zayn asks, coming out of his room, groaning.

"Died my hair!" He says, his arms flailing.

"Uh, I didn't do that mate."

"Ava, you are so dead," he growls, running towards me.

I run all the way downstairs, where the girls were, siting on the couch. El giggled, looking at me. I gave her a nod and ran into the kitchen, where Niall was.

"Niall! Save me," I wail, hiding behind him.

"Guys! She will be here any minute," Harry sighs, coming into the kitchen.

"By the way Lou, it's wash out hair dye, it will come out," I giggle.

"Oi," he groans, leaving the kitchen.

Lou ends up washing his hair five times before the dye got out so we all just waited for Harry's guest.

"I'm finally done," Louis grins, sitting beside me.

The doorbell dings and Harry jumps up, opening the door. El looked depressed and was not giving Lou any glances. She still didn't like be apart. A beautiful slightly tan girl with long brown hair came through the door, blushing. Another girl with medium length brown hair stepped through the door quietly.

"Hi," I smile.

"Hello, I'm Leanna, Harry's girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you!"

I just noticed she had an Australian accent and two tattoos on her arm and wrist.

"Cool tattoos," Zayn smiles.

"Who might you be?" I ask the other girl.

"I'm Alannah! Leanna's best friend." She smiles widely.

"Nice to meet you!" Niall grins.

"Likewise," she giggles.

"Who's up for a game of truth or dare?" Harry smirks.

"No," all the girls say at once.

"C'mon!" He groans.

We shake our head, not budging.

"I want to know more about Leanna," El says, speaking up.

"Well, I work for ChildCare, I just moved to England from Australia a week ago and I love to make everyone I can happy."

"That's cool," Zayn says.

"How old are you?" Perrie asks, glaring.

"I'm eighteen."

"Cool," Angel replies.

"What about you Alannah?" Lou asks shyly.

"I'm bubbly, always trying to be funny and crazy. I'm eighteen and work with Leanna."

"That's awesome," Lou chuckles.

I could tell El wasn't happy about this by the way she was looking at Alannah. This day should be interesting.


Hi! So I need 10 votes before I post the next chapter so vote vote vote! Thanks :) <3

© foreva1d 2013

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