Chapter 20

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You exhaled, satisfaction exuding from every pore of your body. You felt his head pressed against your lap as the wind blew his hair wildly which made you giggle at how adorable he looked. "The Principal's face was priceless."

He scoffed, his eyes still closed as he continued to rest. He didn't do much, just stood behind you as you reiterated your question from last week to the Principal. The difference was that this time he agreed profusely without a hint of resistance. You happily grinned as you walked out that door with a signed paper in one hand and Kyoya in the other.

"Sensei's face was also pretty funny," you included as you fixed his bangs, "I wonder what you did to scare those adults."

"They're just herbivores," he stated as he folded his arms behind his head.

"Would you hurt them if they said no?" you inquired, "They're adults and all.."

"If they get in my way," he answered.

"Of course," you said, rolling your eyes with amusement, "now take a well deserved nap."

"Hn," he responded as he made himself even more comfortable.

You watched as he drifted to sleep, his peaceful expression making you feel bubbly inside. How ironic was it, that a guy like him could be menacing and adorable at the same time? You just wanted to pinch his nose..

You stopped your hand just in time before you actually did touch his nose. To occupy your wandering hands, you grabbed your phone and start scrolling through your phone book. You spotted Dino's name, causing your eyes to widen in realization. You hadn't spoken to him in a while which made you press on his name. Typing away, you sent him a text to see how he was doing.

'I'm working in Italy.'

'Ohh that sounds fun. I've always wanted to go Italy, it has good food! :P'

'I'll take you there! Just tell me when you want to come over, my treat.'

"Italy," you whispered to yourself in awe. You stared at the text for a while, debating on what date to mention.

'Not this semester since I'm busy!'

'No problem, love'

You furrowed your eyebrows, deciphering what he meant by the word 'love'. You racked your brain for everything it could stand for, but ultimately decided that he might have used the word as a form of endearment as a friend. Brushing past the word before reading too much into the text, you replied an okay to end the conversation, believing a nap was in order.

Slipping the phone into your cardigan pocket, you rested your hands against the cool ground of the rooftop and tilted your head to rest on your shoulder. Slowly, your eyelids became heavier by the second until they finally snapped close, and you drifted into your slumber.

Though your torso was still up, you were peacefully sleeping with Hibari on your lap and his bird on his head. It was a serene moment, one that you would store forever in your memories.

As serene it may be, it was odd too. During your sleep, you felt a weird feeling, as if you were levitating. This all happened when you heard a 'poof' noise, something that you ignored in your sleep. Instead of the cold ground, you felt warm wooden floors beneath you and familiar voices whispering to each other in panic.

"3 years earlier? Why did you bring that with you, Lambo?" a man questioned, his words dripping pure anger.

"Lambo wasn't thinking!" the boy cried out, "Oh look! It's [Name] when she was 16..or 17..Lambo can't count.."

You could practically hear the man roll his eyes as he let out a long exhale, "Dammit. We can't have her meeting Kyoya in the past! Damn. Damn..Agh, I might lose her if she remembers!"

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