Chapter 46

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Author's Note: If you don't read OUR MEMORIES now, you're gonna have a bad time. Seriously, you'll be so confused. Please don't spoil it in the comments, though you could hint. ;)



Your eyes fluttered wide open as you sat up. You felt your heart beating a mile a minute, worry consuming your mentality. A thin sheet of sweat covered your body as your hands wandered everywhere for something to hold onto.

You remembered, you remembered everything. What you didn't remember was that period of memory loss. One second you were being picked apart by the Ancelets, feeling raw pain and terror; the next minute you were on the floor watching Kyoya bleed out as he tried to comfort you, telling you the three words you had always wanted to hear.

"I love you."

You couldn't tell if you were dreaming, but one thing was certain: you were about to lose your mind from all of it. A scream ripped through your throat, bellowing out of your room and into the hallway. You didn't know why you did that, but you needed to air out your emotions. It was painful as it strained your throat, though the pain was nothing compared to what you had experienced before.


Your head snapped to the doorway of the hospital room. Those calming sepia orbs greeted you, and you slowed your panting. "T-T-Tsuna?"

He glared at someone outside the hallway, and you realized he was forcing the doctor inside. "Please do your job."

Upon entering, you noticed it was Dr. Shamal. "H-H-Hey there!" you greeted between pants.

"Hey," he smiled as he neared your bed. He began his evaluation of all your senses and health. It took some time as he inspected everything, though you felt embarrassed that Tsuna remained inside the room, staring at you intently. When you had to remove your clothes, he turned his back with a blush and an apology rolling out his mouth.

Finally when it was over, he had diagnosed you with severe post traumatic stress disorder along with other health disorders. It explained why your mind wasn't normal and your body was jittery. "Tsuna, Tsuna," you begged for his company as he was in corner with Dr. Shamal, discussing some serious topic.

The brunette hurried to your side, grabbing your hand. "What happened to me?"

His frown deepened. "It's a long story."

".....Can I see Kyoya?"

Tsuna seemed torn, and after a few minutes of pondering, he explained. "He got shot pretty bad. He's still undergoing a second set of surgery. You can't see him yet."

You nodded, calmly understanding the situation. You were worried, but your mind was still in a haze. The best you could do for him now was wait patiently for his return. You squeezed Tsuna's hand, a smile finally appearing on your tired features. "Tell me what happened when I wasn't myself."


Dino slid the door open with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. His eyes landed on you as you were awake and talking animatedly with the people surrounding you. He grinned as he walked over, relieved that you were finally awake. "Oh thank God you're okay!"

You signaled him over to your side to which obediently obeyed, sitting in the chair that Tsuna offered. "Let's talk."

He slowly nodded, taken back by your tone. You shooed away Tsuna and the rest of the guardians. As they left one by one, Dino swallowed thickly as your smile faded. He glanced down at the flower bouquet nervously as he anticipated what you were going to say next. However, he clearly forgot how you actually operated.

You lifted your hand high and swung it down to punch him in the face hard. He fell off his chair and onto the tiled floor. "What were you thinking?! You almost married me!"

"[Name], I thought you wanted this."

"No, no. We were casually dating, not even close to a serious relationship. You KNEW that."

He noticed you breathing speed up, and he knew that arguing would do him and you no good. "I wanted to keep you safe."

"So you were going to marry me when I have no memories of Kyoya? How is that protection? I don't want you to be miserable either, Dino."

He hummed as he once more glanced down. "I'm so sorry. I was just so happy that all your attention was on me not Kyoya for once....But I might have been delusional, because all you ever thought about was him even without memories."

"That's because I still love him."

He laughed bitterly. "I'm so sorry."

You sighed harshly, "I'm sorry too, Dino." You reached to grab his hands, and when he lifted his head to meet your gaze, you offered a pained smile. "I'm ending this. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

He let out a shaky sigh. "I had a feeling this was coming after you punched me."

You chuckled, "You deserved that...and you also deserve someone else that isn't as messed up as me."

"Can we..Do you think we can still be friends?"

You would be lying if you agreed completely on it, but you had hoped for the same thing. "Maybe in the future when this is all over and everything is dandy. But for now, you might want to leave me for some time to clear your mind.


"Yeah, probably."

>>>>> 1 Week Later >>>>

"I don't want to be here."

Tsuna hummed as he ignored your statement. It was the same phrase you had been relaying over and over ever since you arrived at the mental institute. It was all of your friends' idea to put you in this hell hole, all out of concern for your mental health. After the news of Hibari Kyoya's death, you remained hopeful that you would see him again. It worried your friends that you were optimistic rather than depressed. They thought you were going to take your life in order to see him on the other side.

You giggled quietly to yourself since the thought of you committing suicide was completely farfetched. They knew you, they knew you would never do that, but apparently, your 'no memories'-self brainwashed them in believing you were a delicate flower, blowing in the wind...

You scoffed. How dare they think you were delicate! "Tsuna, I'm okay now."

Tsuna dropped your empty food tray onto the floor. The loud clatter startled you, causing your body to instinctively react to the noise. You jumped from your chair, but your knees weakened by the fear and dropped you onto the floor. Your body began to tremble, tears flooding your cheeks as your breathing once more became labored. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?"

He stared at you as he joined you on the floor. "Look at you... You aren't ok." He wrapped his arms around you to embrace you, calming you down. It took a few minutes until you resumed to normal, but the warmth of his body made you stay. You missed this intimacy, you missed it so much that you wished it was Kyoya providing this warmth.

"Can I leave this institute tomorrow? Like a day off or something?" You knew it would never happen, but it was to see whether or not he would lie to you.

Tsuna briefly glanced at you, "I'll talk to the people here to see." His eyebrow twitched after his statement, confirming your suspicions. The twitch signaled a lie which could only mean... Well, you weren't going to spoil it.

You smirked as you began to stand, "Tsuna, you are such a bad liar."

You were just going to have to play along with them until you finally get out of here.

〔Dawning Memories〕[Hibari Kyoya] (KHR)Where stories live. Discover now