Chapter 6

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As the sun started to descend low into the sky, Yugi, Emiko, and the others all met back up in the middle of the field. Tristan said, panting and out of breath, "That thug must have taken him back up to Pegasus' castle! There's no sign of him or Mokuba!" Joey said, "Dang! Now they got both Yugi's gramps and Emiko's little brother!" Téa said, folding her arms, "It seems strange to me that that creep didn't try to grab Emiko, too. What's the deal?" Joey said, "Maybe he doesn't know she's their sister." Tristan said, "Maybe." Emiko said shakily, "No. Kemo used to work for Kaiba Corp. Well, whatever the reason, I'm sure that sooner or later I'll be next on their list." Yugi said, "It's just another reason for us to hurry up and win those ten star chips and get in there." Emiko and Joey nodded in agreement. As they walked over the nearby hill to find a few more duelists, Joey turned to Emiko and asked, "Hey, Em, how exactly did you get into the tournament anyway?" She looked down at her glove and sighed.

"They're Seto's," she said, "He dropped from the tournament and left them in a drawer back home." She took a breath in and looked up at the field full of duelists, then said, "When I got home from school yesterday, Mokuba was gone, so I searched the house. I couldn't find him anywhere. When I reached Seto's office, his door was smashed. I walked inside and saw that his window was shattered and there were bullet holes everywhere." She looked back down at her feet. She said, "I found a note that Seto wrote. He was warning me that Pegasus had taken Mokuba and that I would be in danger, too, if I stayed." Yugi said, "So, you came here to try and save them." She nodded.

"Yes," she said, "I couldn't just stand by when they need me." Yugi smiled. Téa said, "Wow. I still can't believe you never told us you were a part of the Kaiba family!" Joey nodded, but then his eyes were drawn to the ground beneath their feet. He said, kneeling down to pick up a bunch of loose Duel Monsters cards, "Hey! It must be my lucky day!" Tristan said, "Hands off. Those are mine." Yugi said cheerfully, "Wow, Tristan. I didn't know you were training to become a duelist, too." He snatched his cards back from Joey and said, "Yeah, well, I figure if a doofus like Joey can hold his own in this game, then hey, I'll probably be an expert at it." Emiko smiled. Joey picked up one of the stray cards and said, "Hey, hold on a sec. I recognize this monster." Yugi asked, "Haven't I seen that card in your deck?" Joey shook his head.

"Not this one," he said, flipping through his deck, "but I think I have one just like it." He finally found the one he was looking for and held it up next to Tristan's card, which did indeed look similar to the one he had.

"Bingo," he exclaimed, "Swamp Battleguard! Well, would you look at this? These two look like they're long-lost brothers." He snickered, "Of course, that doesn't mean your boy packs the same kinda wallop mine does!" Tristan protested, "His wallop is just fine! My Lava Battleguard has never let me down. Try him out and you'll see." Joey said, shuffling Tristan's card into his deck, "Thanks, man. It does say they work best together." Téa smirked and said teasingly, "You know, I kinda see a resemblance between you two and those muscle-heads." Laughter erupted from the group and Emiko walked back towards the castle, looking up at it. She thought, "Mokuba. I promise I'll be there for you soon. We'll find Seto and get out of here. Together." Yugi approached her and said, "You're worried about Mokuba, aren't you?" Emiko nodded.

"Yeah," she said, "He must be so scared." She opened her locket, revealing the picture of her and her brothers when they were at the orphanage. Yugi said, "Don't worry, Em. We'll get in there and get him back." Joey said, waving at them from the top of the hill, "Hey, you two! Let's go! Those star chips aren't gonna win themselves!" Emiko and Yugi both smiled, running to catch up with the others as they walked down into the field below to search for a duel. Téa said, looking around at all the duels that were already underway, "Wow. After all the crazy duelists we've been running into, it's nice to see some normal kids for a change." Tristan said, "Yeah, how about it, Joey? Any of these tykes puny enough for you to take on or do you want to go looking for some three-year-olds?" Joey fumed, but Téa cut in, "Be nice. You know he's just biding his time until he finds a duelling monkey to challenge." Laughter erupted around Joey, who growled, "Alright! Who wants some!? Just one more word about duelling monkeys and I'm gonna-" A woman's laughter cut him off. Joey frowned and said, annoyed, "Please tell me that's not who I think it is."

From behind them, a tall, curvy, blonde woman, dressed in a skimpy outfit approached, chuckling. The woman asked, "How are you, Joseph? Glad to see me?" Joey drawled, "Ecstatic." Emiko looked at her, then back at Joey. She asked, "Wait. You know this woman?" She stepped forward and said, looking down at the brunette, "I could say the same about you. The name's Mai Valentine." She held out her hand. Emiko shook her hand cautiously and introduced herself, "Emiko. Emiko Kaiba." Mai said, smirking, "Pleasure." She turned her attention to Joey again and said, "So, Joey, is Yugi still fighting all your battles for you?" Joey's eyes narrowed. Mai said, "Look, everyone knows that if Yugi wasn't there to hold your hand, you wouldn't have beaten me. Isn't that right, Yugi?" Yugi shook his head and said, "No, that's not true."

"Oh, really," Mai said, "Then I propose he steps out of your shadow here and now. If Joey thinks he's so tough, let's see him play for himself. Think you have the guts to step up and face the duelist I've arranged for you?" Joey asked, confused, "It's not you?" Mai snickered. From behind a nearby tree, Rex Raptor laughed and walked out. He said, "I'm duelling on Mai's behalf. Recognize me?" Emiko said, "Rex Raptor?" Joey said, "This twerp's supposed to scare me? I bet he ain't so tough." Téa reminded him, "Careful, Joey! Did you forget? Rex placed second in the regionals!" Mai said, "Well, Joey? Do you need mommy's permission or what?" Joey snapped, "No way! This is my fight!" Téa asked, "Joey, what are you trying to prove?" Tristan said, "Really, bro. Pick your battles!" Mai smiled meanly.

"Oh, and by the way," she said, "if little Yugi does any of his backseat duelling, then Joey will be disqualified and the match automatically goes to Rex." Emiko looked at Joey worriedly. Mai continued, "What do you say, Joey? This is your big chance to prove yourself. You gonna step up to the plate or back out?" Téa said defensively, "You're crazy if you think-" Joey interrupted, "No. That's just the way I want it. Just me and him. It may cost me all my star chips, but I don't deserve to keep them if the only reason I'm winning is because of Yugi's smarts." Yugi said, "Joey, that isn't true. We're just-" Joey said, "Stay out of this, Yuge. All my life, people are trying to help me because they don't think I can help myself." Tristan said, frustrated, "You've lost your mind, Joey. You can believe whatever you want, but I won't just stand here and watch you throw your chips away. I hope you guys don't mind, but little Joey isn't coming out to duel today-"

"That's it!"

Joey threw a swift and sudden punch, making contact with Tristan's face and sending him toppling to the ground. Tristan asked, holding his cheek, "Hey, what the heck did you punch me for?!" Joey said angrily, "Didn't you hear what I just said? I'm tired of people always thinking they gotta come to my rescue!" Yugi said, "Joey, that's not how it is at all. Friends look out for-" Joey snapped, "Yugi, just let me do what I gotta do." Tristan stood up and said with a huff, "Great idea. You do what you gotta do, even if it means throwing away the one chance you have to help your sister." He turned and stormed off. Yugi called after him, but Joey said, "Let him go." Rex sneered and said, "Well, well. Some trouble in paradise?" Téa said, "You stay out of this!" Mai said, "So, Joey, what's it gonna be? Are you going to run off with your friend or are you going to start acting like a real duelist?" Joey said confidently, "I'm still here, aren't I?" He looked down at Yugi and said, "No offense, Yuge, but I want you to keep out of this one." Yugi sighed, knowing that once Joey has made up his mind, there's no changing it. Emiko glared at Rex and Mai, but said nothing. Rex laughed as he and Joey took their positions on either side of the duelling arena, setting their decks on the board, the holograms coming to life.

"Alright then," Rex growled, "It's dino feeding time!"

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