Chapter 26

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Emiko was resting her head gently on Mokuba's, just listening to the soft breaths of her little brother, just hoping that her friends would find Pegasus soon and that it wasn't too late to rescue her brothers and Yugi's grandpa. She closed her eyes and hummed a soft lullaby absentmindedly. Her mind flashed back to their childhood when she would sing him to sleep with the same song. A song with a gentle tune and a varied range. A song with comforting and gentle lyrics. She smiled at the thought of staying up many nights writing the song and perfecting its tune.

Yugi, Téa, Joey, and Tristan ran through the stone-walled courtyard. They searched pathway after pathway looking for a clue as to wherever Pegasus went. Joey said, "Don't worry, Yuge! We'll find him!" Yugi said, panting between words, "I hope so! We need him to free Grandpa and the others!" Téa stopped and said, "Wait a second!" She looked to her right and pointed. She said, "That tower looks kinda familiar. I think I've been there with Tristan, Emiko, and Bakura." Tristan said, "Yeah. I remember, too." Téa continued, "I vaguely remember a secret room. Pegasus' sanctuary!" She sighed and Tristan said, "Yeah, that's right. Pegasus and Bakura's evil spirit fought, but why did we forget about it?" Téa shrugged, but Joey said, "He must've cast a spell on the three of you! Let's go there and see what we can find!" Yugi said, "Yeah, sounds like a good start to me!"

Emiko sighed, but Mokuba shifted a little in her arms. Her eyes shot open and she said anxiously, "Mokuba? Mokuba!?" Mokuba's dark blue-grey eyes slowly opened and he muttered, "What is...? Emiko...? Emiko!" Emiko smiled, tears freely flowing from her eyes as she squeezed Mokuba tightly. She shrieked, "Mokuba! You're okay!" Mokuba cried, wrapping his arms around Emiko's neck and burying his face into her shoulder, "Emiko! I was so scared!" Emiko held onto him as though her life depended on it. She sobbed loudly, "Mokie, I promise I'll never leave you alone again!" Mokuba asked, his voice shaking, "Where's Seto?! We have to find Seto!" Emiko just held him tightly and said, "I know. I know. We'll find him soon. Just...just..." She trailed off, her tears cutting her off as she continued to cry, holding Mokuba tightly.

Yugi and the others stopped, hearing a loud scream from the top of the very tower they had just reached. Téa asked, "Did you hear that?" Joey said, "Yeah. It sounded like Pegasus!" They turned around a nearby corner, seeing a staircase to the top of the tower. At the top of the stairs, Croquet and one other man were carrying Pegasus, who had fallen unconscious, away. As the other man carried Pegasus past them, Yugi thought he could see blood on Pegasus' face, mostly hidden by his long, silver hair, but he couldn't be sure. He asked, "Croquet, what happened to him!?" Croquet said sharply, "It's none of your concern. He's suddenly taken ill." Yugi begged, "But what about Grandpa and the Kaiba brothers? He promised he'd free their souls!" Walking past him, Croquet growled evasively, "Not my department." Yugi sighed, watching as Pegasus was carried away and around the corner.

"Guys," Joey said in a low voice, "Did you get a good look at Pegasus?" Tristan nodded and asked, "Who or what could have done that to him?" Téa said, "I don't know. He looked awful, though. Maybe there's some kind of clue in the tower."

Emiko dried her eyes, finally letting Mokuba pull away. Mokuba looked up at her and said, "I'm so happy you came for me, Em." Emiko said, smiling, "I told you. We're a family. We have to look out for each other." Mokuba said, grinning, " How did you save me?" Emiko shook her head and said, "It wasn't me. Yugi saved you. It''s a long story." Mokuba said, "You'll tell us on the way home, right?" She nodded. From the other side of the hallway, Bakura said, "Emiko, there- Mokuba!" He smiled and ran to kneel next to the two of them. Emiko asked, "Bakura? I thought you went after the others!" He said, "I got turned around. I couldn't find them, so I came back here." He said, smiling and turning to Mokuba, "Mokuba, I'm so glad you're alright!" Mokuba nodded politely. Bakura said, "I don't believe we've officially met. My name is Ryou Bakura. I'm a friend of your sister's." Mokuba said, "Yeah, I've heard of you. Nice to meet you, Bakura." Bakura said, smiling, "A pleasure to meet you, too." Emiko just smiled.

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