Chapter 21

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Croquet announced as Mai walked out of the large arena doors, "The second match has come to a close. Yugi Muto has emerged victorious over Mai Valentine. He will now advance to the next round." Up on the balcony, the spectators cheered. Emiko smiled down at Yugi while her friends around her shouted excitedly. Yugi looked up at them and thought, "I couldn't have done this without your help. Everyone's help." Pegasus stood up, applauding smugly.

"Well done, Yugi," he chuckled, "That was a superb duel. You certainly know how to put on a good show." He smirked, still clapping.

Tristan sneered, "What a creep." Emiko's eyes narrowed and she bit her lip.

"Enjoy this while you can," Yugi thought, glaring at him, "The only reason I'm here is to rescue my grandpa and Emiko's brothers and once I beat you to get them back, you won't have anything to chuckle about." Pegasus sat back down in his chair and said, turning to Croquet, "Proceed." Croquet nodded and announced, "The third match of these playoffs will begin shortly. The victor of the first round, Bandit Keith, will battle Joey Wheeler. Now, prepare your decks."

Joey's eyes widened and he said, sweat starting to form on his forehead, "Wait. Me? Now? Boy, that went awfully quick!" Bakura said calmly, "Joey, you're going to do fine." Téa said, "Yeah, don't worry." Emiko said, "We believe in you, Joey." He chuckled and said, walking out, "Thanks, guys. I guess I'm a little tense, huh?" Tristan grabbed him around the shoulders, stopping him in his tracks, "Yeah, you've got a good reason to be tense. Look who you're up against: Bandit Keith, the intercontinental champion! I mean, the guy makes his living out of winning prize money from tournaments just like these! Come on, even Em couldn't beat him!" Emiko sighed. Téa said, "He's tough, but I'm sure you'll be fine!"

Below, Yugi walked through the double doors. As the tall door shut behind him, he let out a sigh. He thought, "One round done." Joey said, walking around the corner, "Yugi." Yugi smiled and said, "Hey, Joey." Joey's eyes were serious and determined. He stood strongly in front of Yugi, who asked, "What's up? Are you...okay?" Joey said, "Yugi, if I win this, then we're next. You duelling against me. What do you think about that?" Yugi smiled and said calmly, "I think we can look forward to an honourably-fought match." Joey nodded, smiling.

"Nice call. You give it your best and I'll give it mine," Joey said confidently, "and we'll stay best friends no matter what happens...right?" Yugi said, "Right. It's a deal." Joey threw open the doors, walking out onto the arena floor, and Yugi walked up the stairs to the balcony. He was greeted by Emiko, who said, "Hey, great duel, Yugi." He smiled, thanking her and joining the others. They all watched as Joey strutted onto the duelling platform confidently, stepping up onto the blue platform. Emiko sighed and thought, "Alright, Joey. He's a tough one. You've got to win this. For your sister." Tristan and Téa cheered aloud.

Joey looked up at them, beaming. He gave them a confident fist-pump and looked across the way at the red side, which was empty. Joey asked, "Hey, hold on! Where's Keith?" He looked around until he spotted Keith, lounging lazily across a nearby sofa near the duelling platform. Keith yawned and said, looking at his watch, "What time is it?" Joey snapped, "Hey! What are you doing?! Get over here, Keith!" Bandit Keith snickered and said, "Chill out. The pummelling will begin just as soon as I'm good and ready, so don't worry your pretty little head, Blondie. After my duel against your little girlfriend, I'm pretty beat." Joey growled, "Stall as long as you want, Keith, but you're gonna have to duel me sooner or later." Croquet said, "Tournament verification cards, gentlemen." Keith pulled his Glory of the King's Hand card out of his pocket and said mockingly, "Got mine. Hey, dweeb, show the man your card." Joey reached into his pocket and said, "Sure thing. I got it right here." His face went pale as he felt around in his empty pocket. Croquet said in a slightly irritated tone, "Tournament verification ca-" Joey snapped, fumbling through all of the pockets in his coat, "I know! Hold on a sec. I-I know it's in here somewhere!"

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