Chapter 12

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Later that night, Emiko and Téa were both inside the tent Mai had set up before, wrapped in blankets, peacefully sleeping. Well, as peacefully as they could considering the circumstances. Emiko had her locket clutched in her hand as she slept on the rather solid ground. She grumbled a little and opened her eyes, hearing something outside. She murmured, "Wh-what...what's that?" It sounded like a distant helicopter. It wouldn't have bothered her if it didn't sound like it was getting closer. She sat up and reached over, shaking Téa awake.

"Téa. Téa, wake up."

Téa ran her fingers through her hair, yawning, "Emiko? What is it?" Emiko said, "Listen. Do you hear that?" The sound was close enough now that they were sure that it was, as they suspected, a helicopter. The girls walked out of the tent to investigate and saw that all of the boys were looking at the approaching aircraft. The light on it was bright. They all shielded their eyes and the wind from the blades on the helicopter was picking up, sending the trees rustling and the tent rattling against the stakes in the ground. As the helicopter lowered itself onto the ground, Emiko's eyes widened and she felt her heart skip a beat.


Bakura said, fascinated, "Wow! Look at that!" Joey shouted, "Hey! Some of us are just trying to get some shut-eye here, you insensitive jerk!" Emiko stood up and walked closer. The blades slowed to a stop, the lights shut off, and the door slid open. Stepping down onto the grass in his long, silver and red coat, briefcase in hand, was Seto Kaiba. Joey asked, "What's he doing here?" Tristan said, "Probably here for his brother and sister. Whatever it is, looks like he means business." Emiko stepped forward, her legs shaking. Seto looked at her and said, surprised, "Emiko? What are you-" Emiko suddenly ran forward, sobbing loudly and slapping Seto hard across the face. Her slap made a very loud sound and his cheek turned red immediately after. Téa, Yugi, and the others all gasped. Joey said, "What the- Em, are you nuts!?" Emiko shouted, her voice unsteady and her eyes full of tears, "Seto, you big, selfish jerk!" Seto stood in front of her in silence. She yelled, crying, "I can't believe you! I can't believe you would just walk out on us like that!" Seto began, "Look. I know you're upset-"

"Upset!?" She shrieked, "Upset is an understatement! You just walked out on us, and for what?! Some sort of self-discovery quest? Seto, you left the company's secrets in the hands of a thirteen-year-old! When you left, Mokuba and I...w-we were scared! Neither of us knew what to do! Then, when Mokuba was taken, I thought...I-I thought...!" She balled up her fists and cried. Seto stepped closer and said, "Emiko. I'm sorry." She looked up at him. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. She lowered her voice and said, tears streaming down her face, "Seto...when I got home and saw your office...I-I didn't know what happened. I thought...the bullet holes...the window...!" Seto placed his hand on her shoulder. She finally threw her arms around his waist, crying into his chest. His face softened and he wrapped his arms around her. She sobbed, "I-I missed much." Seto sighed, "I know. Don't worry, Emiko. I'm here, now." He looked up at Yugi and the others, still holding onto Emiko. He said, his voice returning to its usual, cold tone-of-voice, "I haven't seen you since our duel, Yugi." Yugi nodded and reached into the holster on his belt. He pulled out Seto's deck of cards. Emiko finally pulled away, wiping her eyes on her sleeve.

"Here," Yugi said, handing Seto his deck, "I've been keeping it for you. Just think of it as a thank-you for that duel you helped me win." Seto took it and said sincerely, "Thanks. You will be compensated for all your trouble and for keeping my little sister safe. Come on, Emiko." He turned shoving his deck into the empty holster on his belt. Yugi said, "Actually, Kaiba, I was thinking that since we're all headed for Pegasus' castle, maybe you and Emiko could stick with us. Of course, you'll need some star chips." Seto turned, glaring out of the corner of his cold, blue eyes, and said, "Don't be so naive. This isn't just a game for me, Yugi. I'm going after Pegasus to save our brother. Not so I can win some stupid prize." Emiko sighed and said, "Listen, Seto-" He said, cutting her off, "Have fun with your tournament." Her face dropped as he walked past her towards the castle. Joey ran up to Seto, grabbing his jacket and shouting, "Hey! Listen, tough guy!" Emiko gasped, pleading softly, "Joey, please!" Joey said, ignoring her, "I can understand you wanting to get your little brother back and all, but don't go thinking you're the only one here with a noble cause, got it?"

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