Chapter 16

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Pegasus made the first move of the duel, setting two cards face-down. Kaiba set a card face-down and summoned Rude Kaiser, destroying Pegasus' monster quickly. Over the next few turns, it was the same outcome. Every defeat earned a very forced and obviously faked reaction from the Duel Monsters creator. Yugi and Emiko watched Pegasus skeptically. She thought, "Hold on. What is Pegasus up to? The way he's duelling, you'd think he was an amateur. Not to mention, his reactions are not convincing in the slightest." Tristan said, confused, "I don't get it. Pegasus talks a big game, but he duels like a kid." Mai said, "It's like he's toying with him." Joey turned to Yugi and said, "Wait. Didn't you say he pulled this act with you?" Yugi nodded.

"Yes," Yugi said, "I guess he doesn't even take the world champion seriously. I just hope Kaiba catches on before it's too late." Emiko thought, "I don't like this. I don't like it at all." Emiko grabbed her locket and clutched it to her heart. Seto drew a card, then said, "It's my turn." As he went to place a card on the table, Pegasus announced, "Hold on, Kaiba-boy! I'd like to play a little guessing game with that card you're about to throw out on the field." Seto growled, "A game? We're in the middle of a duel!" Pegasus explained, "What? I'm allowed to play a game. My trap card says so. It's called Prophecy and it gives me the right to guess whether the card you're about to play has an attack power higher or lower than 2,000." He smirked. Seto gritted his teeth nervously, looking at his card, then back up at Pegasus.

"If I manage to guess correctly, then the card in question becomes mine."

Seto started to speak, but Pegasus interrupted, "And I think I'll prophesize that it is indeed over 2,000. Oh, but wait. Wait. I see something else. Yes," he closed his eye, "Yes, I see blue. I see white. Could it be?" Emiko gasped. Pegasus said confidently, "I see the Blue-Eyes White Dragon." Seto's face went pale. Emiko said, "M-my brother's favourite card." Pegasus asked mockingly, "Was I right? Please tell me I was right. Oh, I so hope I was right." Seto snapped, placing his card in the card exchange slot, "That's enough! Here! Take it!" She thought, "There's no way. He couldn't have seen Seto's card. He has to just be really good. Right?" Pegasus took the card and said, "Now, the most valuable card in your deck is mine." Yugi said, "Pegasus must be up to his old tricks." Joey nodded in agreement. Pegasus giggled playfully and said, "Now, I have two things you care about, Kaiba-boy, your dragon and your brother." Emiko clenched her fists. When Seto played a face-down card and Saggi the Dark Clown, Emiko knew exactly what he was about to do. Bakura said, "Wait, I remember this move!" Téa said, "Yeah. It's the same thing Kaiba used on Yugi in their duel." Joey said optimistically, "Only this time, it's gonna be Pegasus catching the bug." Yugi said, "Don't count on it. Pegasus knows that it's coming."

Below, Pegasus used his face-down Negative Energy card to double the attack of every monster on the field, rendering Seto's Crush Card Virus combo useless. After Pegasus summoned another monster, destroying Seto's monster and bringing his life points down to 1,000, Seto let out a sigh, visibly taken aback. Téa said softly, "I've never seen Kaiba so shaken before." Emiko sighed, still grasping her locket, "Neither have I." Bakura said gently, "Oh, my. Don't worry, Emiko. It's going to be okay." Emiko said, "How? Pegasus already has my brother down to 1,000 life points. It's almost like he knows Seto's every move before he even makes one." Yugi said, "It's that Millennium Eye. It somehow lets Pegasus see all of the cards in Kaiba's hand." Mai chuckled, "Come on. Tell me you're not serious." Joey looked down at Yugi and said, "Wow. I know you said that thing's got magical powers, but I didn't know that it could help him win duels, too. How the heck is anybody supposed to win against that kind of power?" Yugi said confidently, "Still, I wouldn't count Kaiba out of this match just yet. He may be trailing now, but he didn't get to be the World Champion without learning a few comeback tricks." Emiko sighed and looked back at Seto.

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