Thank You!

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Thank you so much for reading Yu-Gi-Oh! Love Selflessly!

I had a lot of fun writing this one and I'm so glad y'all enjoyed reading the story! You guys really gave Emiko a warm welcome and I look forward to writing more for you guy. I'm also very happy to announce that I am in the process of writing book two in the "Love Series", Yu-Gi-Oh! Love Unconditionally, so keep your eye out for new info on that.

If you're interested in keeping up with the writing process and getting early access, audiobook renditions of my fanfics, and more, check out my Patreon page!

I do want to address something real quick, though! I've recently been receiving a ton of comments (most likely from the same user) requesting a particular arc of the show or two, which is fine, but I can't message this user about the subject, since they are a guest user. Listed below will be all of the arcs I plan to write, along with a little explanation of why I'm skipping certain arcs. If you don't want to know or if you are just along for the ride and don't really care where I'm going with this, feel free to stop here!

Until the next story,

- Astin


Now, onto my planned arcs for those who are interested!

Book 1: Duelist Kingdom, Dungeon Dice Monsters (briefly alluded to)

Book 2: Battle City, Battle City Finals

Book 3: Pharaoh's Memories, Ceremonial Battle/Final Duel

Book 4: Dark Side of Dimensions (movie)

Why am I skipping certain arcs? It varies from arc to arc

Girl From America (Rebecca), Virtual World (Noah), Waking the Dragons, Grand Championship: I personally just dislike these arcs and don't want to subject myself to these mostly non-canon filler arcs. Rebecca's arc is canon, but oh my word, I don't like that tiny child.

Legendary Heroes, Capsule Monsters, Pyramid of Light (movie): While I absolutely adore these arcs, Emiko would simply not fit into them in any good way that I can see.

Bonds Beyond Time (movie): I haven't seen this one, so I have no frame of reference.

If you have any questions about arcs I may have missed or anything, comment or check out my Patreon, listed above!

Signing off once again,

- Astin

Yu-Gi-Oh! Love Selflessly (Version 2 - SEMI FINAL)Where stories live. Discover now