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As the helicopter's blades slowed to a halt, Emiko clicked her seatbelt open. She swung the door open, swinging her legs outside and shifting Mokuba so she could easily carry him. She draped his arms around her neck, letting him rest his head on her shoulder as she linked her hands under his legs to support him. He grumbled a little. Seto, stepping out of the pilot's side of the chopper, grabbed his silver briefcase and her backpack, coming around to join her. They walked through the Kaiba Corporation building in silence. Their soft footsteps echoed far through the empty halls. They stepped into the elevator, taking it all the way to the ground floor. As they stood inside, the only sound being the elevator whooshing by the various floors, Emiko looked up at Seto and said quietly, "I'm sorry I disobeyed you." He looked down at her out of the corner of his eyes.

"I went to Duelist Kingdom," she said quietly so as not to wake Mokuba, "When you told me to run." He sighed, "That doesn't matter now. What matters is that you and Mokuba are both safe." She said, "Yeah. I guess you're right." She smiled up at him. The elevator doors slid open and the security guard said, "Ah, Mr. Kaiba. Miss Kaiba. You've returned-" Seto cut him off and said in a low voice, placing his index finger over his lips, "Yes. We'll be taking one of the limos home. I'll send for someone to pick it up tomorrow." The security guard said, "Yes, sir. Understood." Seto and Emiko walked past him into the small parking garage attached to the side of the building. Seto dug a set of keys out of one of his pockets and they approached one of the limousines. Seto opened the door and Emiko gently set Mokuba in the back seat, pulling the seatbelt over his head and making sure he was secured before hopping into the passenger seat next to Seto.

The drive home was peaceful and quiet. The lights of the city flickered by as Emiko rested her head on the window, watching the Kaiba Corporation building grow smaller and smaller as they drove back home. She thought, "Last time we had such a calm ride home was that night after Seto's duel with Yugi. It seems like such a long time ago even though it's only been a few weeks, if it was even that long. It's crazy how time flies sometimes." The car swayed and turned, finally reaching their long driveway and Seto pulled up next to the front door, taking the key out and putting it into one of his pockets. Emiko stepped out and once again picked up Mokuba as she had before, carrying him inside. He opened his eyes and groaned tiredly, "Where are we?" Emiko smiled at him.


He smiled back and closed his eyes again. Seto said, "Let's get you to bed, kid." They walked up to Mokuba's bedroom and Emiko set him on his soft, plushy mattress, untying and slipping off his sneakers and his bandana before pulling his sheets and blankets up to his chin, humming the tune of his favourite lullaby to him the whole time. Seto stood in the doorway, watching as she sat on his bedside and brushed his messy hair away from his face. She finally stood up and walked out, slowly shutting the door behind her. She and Seto walked out to their dark living room, both sitting together on the large, leather couch. He let out a long sigh. She said, "I don't know if you realize this, but," she took a breath, "we missed having you around." He said, "I know." She continued, "We're...I'm glad you're back." He said, "Yeah." She said, "You know, now that we're back home, we should do something together. Something we've wanted to do for quite awhile." She glanced over at him, smiling sweetly. He looked at her through tired, half-lidded eyes and said, "Like what?" She shrugged.

"I don't know," she said, "Maybe we could...start work on a certain theme park you once promised that we'd make together?" He chuckled, remembering all those years ago at the orphanage when they would build elaborate sandcastles and theme park rides that they had seen on TV. She said, looking back at her lap, "I-I mean, we don't have to." He said, "Emiko, that sounds like a great idea." She looked back up at him and they both smiled. Emiko held her locket in her hand, clicking it open, looking down at the photograph inside. He said, "I'll make the necessary arrangements. For now, I think we should get to bed. Don't you?" Emiko nodded. They both stood up, sharing a much-needed hug before retreating to their rooms for the night. Emiko changed out of her sweaty and slightly dirty clothes, taking a quick, warm shower and slipping on her lovely, white nightgown with the Kaiba Corporation logo embroidered into the collar. She turned off her lights, got into her bed, sleeping peacefully through the night.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Love Selflessly (Version 2 - SEMI FINAL)Where stories live. Discover now