Chapter 15

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Reaching the top of the staircase, Emiko panted heavily, "Wait up, guys!" Yugi and Bakura both laughed, looking back at her. She stopped suddenly, her eyes widening in fear. Standing in front of the door to Pegasus' castle was Kemo. Emiko gasped and Yugi asked, "What's wrong?" She said, "Kemo." Téa walked back and said, holding out her hand, "Don't worry, Emiko. We're right here with you. We aren't going to let him take you." Joey said, pumping his fist into the air, "You got that right! Now, let's get in there!" Emiko took Téa's hand and nodded. The group all approached the door. Kemo growled, "Oh, no! There is no way you brats won ten star chips each. Now, get lost. This isn't some clubhouse. It's a place reserved for the duelling elite." Mai, Joey, Yugi, and Emiko held up their hands, presenting their filled duelists' gloves. Mai said, "Well, then we'll fit right in." Joey placed his chips into the slots on the door's lock system and opened the heavy, metal door. He said in a snarky tone, "Now, would you mind telling housekeeping that I like my pillows extra-fluffy?" Mai walked past, saying sweetly while Emiko stuck close to Joey in order to avoid Kemo, "You're a doll." Yugi said cheerfully, "At last! We're finally at the castle!"

"No, no, no," Kemo yelled, jumping in front of Téa, Tristan, and Bakura, "You three don't even have duelling gloves!" Téa said innocently, "Aww, come on, you have to let us in! We're the cheerleaders!" Kemo snapped, "What do you losers think this is, a high school football game? No star chips, no entry! You got that?" Emiko sighed, but Mai stepped forward and said softly, "You're saying you couldn't do us one little favour? Not even for me?" She batted her long lashes, giving him big, pleading eyes. Kemo stammered, "N-no! Absolutely not! Master Pegasus gave me explicit orders not to let anyone- Hey!" The trio ran inside and Mai threw her knapsack into Kemo's face. Joey pulled the door shut and locked it, laughing confidently, "And that's that!" Yugi said, "Alright, there's no time to waste."

"Welcome, duelists," the raspy voice of an older man said behind them, "I am Croquet, the chief tournament liaison." Emiko jumped back. Joey threw his arm in front of her. Yugi furrowed his brows. Croquet said, "Congratulations on making it this far. Master Pegasus is quite taken with all of your duelling talents. In fact, he's so impressed, he wanted to reward you with some entertainment: a special exhibition match. I think you'll all be quite in awe of what you're about to see. This match should give you an idea of what's in store for you all." Mai said, "So, basically, it's meant to intimidate us." Croquet denied, "Now, why would Pegasus do something like that?" Joey said, "Because he's a grade-a nut-case." Croquet chuckled in spite of himself and said, "Follow me."

The walk was long. Croquet led them through beautifully decorated halls until they finally reached a brightly-lit, pristine balcony. Yugi and the others stopped. Just ahead, leaning on the balcony stood a tall man. He was blonde, wearing sunglasses and a bandana that bore the American stars and stripes. Emiko recognized him. Joey sneered, "Bandit Keith. I can't stand this guy!" Keith snickered, "Well, well, what do you know? If it isn't big, tough Joey and his whole crew of duellin' dummies." He chuckled and said, "Not to mention, it looks like you've got yourselves a new member or two since the last time we duelled." Emiko growled, but Joey said, "You slime! I've been waiting to find you ever since you left us trapped in that cave!" Emiko asked, " I missing something?" Joey started flailing, swinging his fists at Keith, who dodged and blocked with minimal effort. Yugi said, "I'll explain later." Keith said, "Can't this little grudge of yours wait?" Joey said, struggling against Keith's grip on his fist, "You wish, creep!" Keith said, "Alright, suit yourself, kid, but the real action is about to start. Look down there." As the group looked down over the balcony, they saw that there was a long pathway over a dark chasm. Across from them on the other side of the room, there was a viewing platform with a large chair on it, presumably for Pegasus' viewing. On the long pathway stood a familiar, brown-haired young man. Emiko gasped, her eyes widening.

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