Chapter 23

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Outside the castle, dark clouds rolled in and the wind picked up. Thunder rolled in the distance and small raindrops started to fall, dampening the grass and trees outside.

Yugi, Emiko, and the others sat around down in the waiting room, the duelists being granted a ten-minute intermission between the previous round and the next. Joey said, his face serious, "Yugi." Yugi responded, "Joey. I guess this is it?" Joey nodded and said, "We can't put this off any longer." Yugi nodded. He said, "I know, but I also know that our duel will be an honourable one." Joey smiled and said, "Right. You got it, Yuge." Emiko smiled, but her face dropped as she pondered, "Wait, if Yugi wins this match, he'll save his grandfather and my brothers, but Joey will lose his chance to save his little sister, Serenity. Neither one can afford to lose this battle, but there can only be one winner. I wish there was some way for them both to win." She jumped a little, a hand grabbing her shoulder. Bakura asked her quietly, "Are you alright? You look concerned." Emiko smiled and shook her head, her hand instinctively reaching for her locket, "No, yeah, um...I-I'm okay." He sighed. Téa said, "You two have made it so far. I'm so proud of you!" Tristan said, "Yeah, who'd have thought Joey would even make it this far?" Joey snarled, "Who asked you, Tristan!?"

"Joey's improved quite a lot in this tournament," Yugi said, "Don't worry. You'll be fine." Joey chuckled, "Yeah, I hope so." Emiko's eyes drifted to Yugi and she sighed. Over the loudspeaker, Croquet said, "Yugi Muto and Joey Wheeler, your match will begin in three minutes. Please proceed to the duelling arena. Spectators, return to the viewing area." Yugi and Joey looked at each other with a reassuring nod. Téa, Tristan, and Bakura walked out to return to the viewing balcony, but Emiko hesitated for a moment. She said as the boys walked out, "Duel with everything you've got, guys. Good luck." They both looked back at her and smiled. She smiled back and ran to catch up with the others.

Joey walked across the way to the red side of the duelling arena, while Yugi took blue. They stood tall, shuffling their decks well while Croquet announced, "The next match between Joey Wheeler and Yugi Muto will not only determine who wins the tournament, but also who wins a match with Mr. Maximillion Pegasus." Yugi thought, "I just have to win that match with Pegasus. I have to stop him and save my grandpa and the Kaiba brothers." Joey thought, "I have to win this for my sister. She's counting on me."

On the balcony, Bakura asked, "Who would've guessed that out of all the duelists who started in this tournament, two best friends would end up in the final match?" Tristan said, "Yeah, this is definitely harsh, but at least one of them's gonna get to take on Pegasus." Téa said worriedly, "I guess so, but don't you think it'd be much easier if they could just flip a coin or something? Then we could get our match with Pegasus done and over with." Tristan said, "I don't think it works that way, Téa." Téa protested, "But, Yugi and Joey are like brothers! Why do they have to fight like this?" Tristan said calmly, "I hear you, but they have to do this."

Yugi said, "Joey, before we go-" Joey cut him off, "I hope you're not having any second thoughts about duelling me." Yugi grunted, still hesitant. Joey encouraged him, "Come on, pal." Yugi said, "I'm sorry, Joey, but I...I don't know if I can do this." Joey said, grinning, "Suck it up, bud. You said it yourself. You said if it came down to us, we'd both just play our best. That's the only way we're gonna know which one of us is best-prepared to take on Pegasus in the final match." Yugi smiled. He knew it was inevitable. Joey was right, though. Whoever won that round was truly the best-prepared for the final match, so this was the final test. Joey slammed his fists on the table and shouted, "So? Let's duel!" Yugi smirked and said, confidence radiating from him, "Alright, Joey. It's time to duel!"

"Before this duel can begin," Croquet said, "Your gracious host would like to make a few opening remarks." Pegasus sighed, standing up, "Oh, boy." He cleared his throat and said, "Congratulations, duelists! You've proven yourselves to be the finest in the world! For that very reason, I look forward to a match that shall consist of your duelling best!" He chuckled, turning to Yugi, and said, "After all, should you give anything less, I will know." He laughed sinisterly.

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