Hello sir

637 9 2

Tw: sexual assault

You always knew the day would come and your little brother would finally admit you were the best profiler he knew. Today would be that day. "Alexandria we need your help" it was a sentence you never ever thought you would hear but to you Spencer sounded genuine. Sincere almost.

"Spence, I'm going to need a little more convincing than a phone call" yous weren't supposed to be travelling after an injury on the job. You worked at Interpol and the last time you saw your brother he went against government orders to stop looking for Ian Doyle. It caused an argument between the two of you. He didn't speak to you for an entire year and you didn't want that to happen again.

"Alex. I know you're worried but you're the only person I know who can get this done in time" you weren't going to say no to him. He was your brother after all. "Please, will you meet me tomorrow"

You were hesitant. As much as you loved Spencer you weren't about to disobey direct orders from your boss. "Okay spence, where am I going?"

"You're still in Quantico right?" Spencer sounded relieved, you hated hearing him stressed. "yes spence" he let out a relieved breath "okay can you meet me at the FBI building tomorrow?" God you were going to need a drink.
                                 At the bar
You were sat by yourself. The only thing keeping you company was the gin and tonic you were holding in your right hand. I probably look like a maniac

Right when you had finished your first glass you felt a hand on your thigh. You tried to move and reposition yourself but it was no use. The hand slowly drifting it's way up your thigh was the only thing you had on your mind. "Get off of me please" you meant for it to sound like a threat but you were so scared it came out sounding more like a schoolgirl who was being told off. His hand stayed in your thigh. Another hand moved to your breast. "Please I said no"

"I don't care what you said. If you look like a slut you're going to be treated like one" his words cut through you like daggers. From a young age you had always been taught that if you wore a short skirt or tight clothing you were more vulnerable to men like him. You just never thought you would be on the receiving end of something like this.

"Sir I'm pretty sure I heard her say no" just then a tall man with raven black hair came to your rescue. You were safe. You were fine. You didn't need to worry anymore. You felt safe with this man. He seemed genuine."I am so extraordinarily sorry about what just happened. Are you okay?" His deep, gravely voice sent tingles down your spine.

"Yes, thanks to you. Who knows what would have happened if you hadn't shown up"  his eyes were scanning your face. You felt as though he wasn't looking at you, he was looking at your emotions. Like he was profiling you. "Thank you, sir"

"Aaron, please call me Aaron" he corrected calmly. Almost like he had to correct many people. "So do you have a specific story? A reason that brought you here tonight?"

"Nope I'm just a girl in a bar" you say flustered by his interest of why you were there "and you?"

"I'm just a guy in a bar, much like you" he says smartly. "And do you have a name or do I have to keep calling you girl in a bar?"

"My name is Alex. Well it's Alexandria but please call me Alex" his muscles softened at your name, like he was relaxed by your voice alone . Your eyes trailed down to his hands. They were strong and veiny god what he could do to me with those hands

"Alexandria, what a beautiful name." You were smitten. Here was this handsome man who just saved you from being assaulted and all you could think about was the things he could do with his hands ... STOP snap out of this Alex. "And is there a pretty phone number to go with that pretty name Alexandria?" You were taken aback by his brazenness but you caved

"Y-yes t-there is" you weren't used to men asking you for your phone number. Mitch like your brother you were a child prodigy in public school and although you weren't lacking in the beauty department, people often found you strange and didn't want to be around you very much.

"Well Alex. I have a feeling we will be meeting again." He said standing from his seat "but if you will excuse me, my overbearing friend just walked in and I have a feeling he will make your life hell if he sees us together so goodnight Alexandria."

"Goodnight Aaron" you said watching him leave. You finished up your drink and made your way back to your house to get ready for the early morning

so what do we think ?!?!?! Sorry if it's a little boring at the moment it will get juicy soon I promise !!

Any criticism is very much appreciated!!

Happy reading :)

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