I havent missed you

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TW: talk of a case, smut

"Dr. Reid, we have a case"

"I will be there in a minute Garcia" you say looking up at her "oh isn't that just the sweetest photo of the two of you ! What does it say on the frame?" She says glancing down  at your present from Rossi "it says "my love" it's from the night we first met. Before I met you guys"

You walk to the round table room where Penelope explains the case : a hound boy was found by the side of the road, severely beaten, local PD believe he's not the first to go missing.

"Wheels up in 20" you say looking at the team "what did you think he would want his catchphrase getting thrown out of the window?" Earning a few laughs.

On the jet, you sat with Dave, exchanging memories of Aaron until Spencer told you that the two of you needed to have a chat.

"Alex I cant believe you told Emily before you told me! We were supposed to be closer now!" He said clearly hurt "Spence if I had known sooner I would have told you okay? Please don't let this effect your work."  "There she is, you always cared more about work than family" he shouted after you "Dr. Reid I advise you sit down and keep your mouth shut for the rest of the flight, do I make myself clear?" You say, unaware of how rude you came across there

"So Alex, I really thought you would be all talk but you're doing very well!" Morgan says nudging your shoulder. "I'm going to take that as a compliment Morgan but only because I'm so easy going" you say smiling "oh and Prentiss please pick up your jaw, we are not goldfish"

After arriving at the station you sent Reid and Morgan to the ME's office , Prentiss and Rossi to the crime scene and you and JJ were going to head to the hospital after meeting with the local sheriff.

"Good afternoon sir, I am Dr. Alexandria Reid this is SSA Jennifer Jareau. I'm sorry we have to meet under these circumstances" you say waving at the sheriff. "It's nice to meet you agents, I must say I thought your team would be bigger!" "Yes sir, we sent a few members of our team to the crime scene already. Is there somewhere I can get our things set up?" JJ says before being escorted to a back room where she starts to set up the files needed for this case.

My phone began to ring. Emily and Rossi made a big development and we created the profile quickly. We discovered that the unsub probably knew he would be caught soon so if we were to broadcast that we had a rough idea of who he was, he could walk right into the station and confess. You decided that it was a good idea for the team to go to the hotel and get some rest.

You were going through the files one last time when you got a knock on the door "I'm coming give me a second" you said rushing to the door "Prentiss what are you doing here?"

"Alex I need to talk to you... I completely respect you and I know you're my boss now but I really like you, my feelings towards you are like nothing I've felt before a-" you shut her up by pulling her in for a kiss. She was the first person you had kissed after Aaron and honestly you didn't care, this was the hottest kiss you had ever had with the hottest girl you had ever met.

Without breaking the kiss you made it to the bedroom where she pulled out her cuffs and cuffed you to your bedpost. You were sure you were already dripping with anticipation.

She starts pressing kisses all along your body leaving small bruises and pulling at your hair. She finally made her way to your hips ghosting over your clit. Her warm breath was making you wetter every minute "E-Emily please" you moaned

"Please what princess" she said obviously aware of what her teasing was doing to you. "P-please fuck me" as soon as you finished your sentence her younger attacked your clit before moving down and plunging into your opening. "Do you like that little slut?" She said but you were unable to respond with anything but moans.

You felt your legs beginning to shake and a telltale knot growing in your stomach "Emily I'm gonna" you cried before she said "not yet, you're doing really well you little whore, taking my fingers like a good girl" she continued her pumps at a steady pace "you can cum for me now baby girl, you did so very well, good girl"

She un-cuffed your wrists before you rolled to get on top of her. You were placing hickeys all over her neck before your phone started to ring.

"Dr. Alexandria Reid speaking ... yes sir, we will be there soon... thank you sir" you said as you pressed hang up. "Emily that was amazing but it was so unprofessional of me, I'm so sorry" you say before scurrying to get changed "the sherif wants us at the station"

"Lex, I don't care if it was unprofessional. We both liked it quite clearly" she said looking at your legs which were still shaking "I'm going to run and get ready"

You were shocked by your actions. You couldn't even blame it on alcohol .... Shit.

You made your way to the police station meeting with the team there. "Dr Reid. We have a man in a holding cell, he hame in and confessed to the kidnapping of Augustine Wallace and Jochua Ballace. He is awaiting questioning." The Sherif told you with an unwavering excitement buzzing around him.

"Let's not get our hopes up Sheriff. We will go good cop / bad cop. Prentiss, you and I will be questioning him, is that okay? Dominant women will put him on edge if the profile is right" you say as Emily tries to hide her chuckle. You realised what you just said in front of the team ...

Questioning went great. Emily's stern nature really turned you on, maybe what happened between you shouldn't just be a one time thing ... no no no Alex you are the unit chief now .

The jet ride home was awkward but you and Rossi spent the time conversing in Italian so nobody else could understand. Emily was sat across from you gently sliding her foot up your leg. "We will be landing in thirty minutes" you announce to the team before standing to get coffee. You hadn't slept in 2 days and it was showing.

"Lexie, can we please talk" it had been years since anyone called you Lexie. You hated it. "Spencer I don't have the energy to argue right now." You say looking at him. "Alex I don't want to argue. You have done so much for me this past year and I was thinking back to something Hotch said before ... you know... he said I should appreciate you. And I don't do that, Alex I'm so sorry" he says his words obviously making him choked up.

"Spencer you don't need to apologise"

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