All in a day's work

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Six AM. God you wished Spencer didn't have such a demanding job. Your head was pounding, maybe you drank a little more than you realised last night. Or maybe your chronic migraines are back ... god I hope it is just the liquor

You open the doors and walk into your wardrobe. You pick out an emerald green silk blouse and a black pencil skirt paired with your beautiful black classic red-bottoms and white gold jewellery. Not as tacky as gold. Not as cheap as silver. It's safe to say you looked amazing. You figured that the "no dating co workers" rule wouldn't apply to you as you worked at Interpol ... maybe there will be some hot guys at the BAU, god knows the guys at Interpol are getting old.

You got into your car and drove to their FBI headquarters. As you drove you started to think about last night, the man who saved you. Maybe I will text him after work. You couldn't shake the feeling that you knew him from somewhere but god knows where.

You stopped to get coffee for you and Spencer remembering that he preferred sugar with the tiniest amount of coffee. You always teased him about it, saying it's a miracle he didn't have diabetes just yet. As you finished your thinking session you arrived at Quantico to see Spencer waiting for you at the door "Dr.Reid" you said handing him the coffee

"Dr. Reid!" He said enthusiastically taking a sip out of his coffee "oh my goodness Alex you're a lifesaver! You're gonna be great for my street-cred around here"

"I have no idea what you mean Dr.Reid. Just because I have more PHD's than you and I'm the best profiler you know, doesn't mean you can use me to be more popular bambino" you said giving him a sheepish look "oh and did I mention I'm extremely modest"

"Alex I meant that you're a pretty girl nobody knows is my sister, they're going to think I'm getting some." You tried to stifle a laugh but you couldn't help but giggle at him. "Oh and Alex, nobody needs to know you're smarter than me ... got it ?"

"Awe Spencie! You don't want people to know I have an IQ of 190 and I have 4 PHDs and I can read faster than you! Oh and I also have an eidetic memory!! Well why not?" You say punching his arm as you walk into the elevator "hold the door!" You hear a small cry from down the hall. You keep the door open with your shoe as you see a blond woman walk in

"Oh my goodness Spencer are you getting some action? Morgan is going to have a field day with this one" she says trying to crack a joke but you can tell she's hurt by the fact Spencer looks like he's with another woman.

"Lord no! But he didn't want me to tell you that" you say trying to lift her spirits "Dr.Alexandria Reid, his sister. Here to consult on your new case. Nice to meet you" you say introducing yourself "you just can't do it without you smarter older sister can you spence?" The woman you later learn is JJ looks overjoyed as Spencer punches you in the arm.

The elevator doors open to reveal a long corridor with glass doors leading to the BAU office. You follow Spencer inside and meet the team "hello pretty mama, who is you. Derek morgan" he says extending his hand for you to shake which you deny "should have known" he says laughing "tell me are you Spencer's mystery girl?"  You shake your head but look at Spencer "mystery girl ? Spencer Reid I thought I taught you better than that!" And Spencer gets flustered "no Derek I'm actually Dr. Alexandria Reid his sister"

"Doctor? Another one? You Reid's grow them like weeds don't you!" A brunette woman says walking in "Emily Prentiss, nice to meet you!" She says looking at you "oh lord and this ones hot too! You absolutely have to come out for drinks with us after this case!" "Nice to meet you again Agent Prentiss. Nice to see you remember me ..." you had already met her during the Doyle case. It was one of the first cases you worked on. You had actually "met" everyone at the BAU but only ever heard their voices. "Oh Emily I'm just kidding I never actually met any of you guys ! You may remember my voice though! I was one of the people working with you to catch Ian Doyle!" You see her confusion melt away

"Oh my goodness! Who is this beautiful woman stood next to you Dr. Reid?" A woman dressed head to toe in colour comes up to you and gives you the biggest hug possible reminder sanitise your hands when she isn't looking "I'm Dr. Alexandria Reid ! It's nice to meet you, you must be Penelope!" She looked genuinely happy that you knew her name. You got the feeling she felt under appreciated so you made sure you knew who she was before you even entered the building.

"Dr. Reid. Who is your Bella ragazza? I'm David Rossi, it's great to meet you! Sorry if you don't speak Italian" he said unaware you were fluent in several languages, Italian being one of them "piacere di conoscerti, Dave" you said making him extremely excited "Dr.Alexandria Reid, fluent in many languages. Italian is my favourite" you state simply before looking at Spencer "sorry can I tell them how much smarter than you I am now ?" Spencer gave you a glare.

"Please pretty lady do tell us how much smarter you are" Derek states smiling. "Well where should I start? Oh I went to college at 14 I am fluent in five languages barring English. I have 4 PHD's and my IQ is 190. I also have eidetic memory. Ooh and perfect pitch. Really I'm just the superior Reid!" You state looking at Spencer. He looks like a child who just got sent to the naughty corner. "I'm sorry spencie was that too much? I mean I work at Interpol too. I'm a unit chief, I'm on medical leave at the moment but I have been authorised to go into the field if necessary."

You were met with blank stares. "I really outdid myself huh." You say embarrassed. " Alexandria we are just terrified of you I mean ... hot and smart? Spencer why haven't you introduced us before ?" Emily says flirtatiously to you. "He's embarrassed of me." You say giving him a nudge making him smile at you. That was all the confirmation you needed to let you know he was actually okay "is this all of you guys" you ask.

"Have you met our unit chief?" David asks you as you shake your head "oh he's going to love you, right this way!" He says as you follow behind him "Aaron we have a super special visitor from Interpol" he says "oh please send them in" he says. You recognise the voice but before you could even put the pieces together. There you were face to face with the guy from the bar.

Aaron Hotchner.

So what are we thinking so far ?!?!?! I know it's getting fun to write! See you next chapter !!

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