Come back home

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"I won't"
"Team I think we need to have a chat" you said walking tinting the round table room " two years ago today section chief Strauss made a call which severely affected this team. After the explosion, Aaron Hotchner was taken into surgery and deemed stable, he stayed there until it was safe for him to fly. He moved to Paris where he has been for the last two years ... Agent Aaron Hotchner is alive" you say almost not believing yourself. The team looked astonished and heartbroken

"I am so sorry." You heard a deep gravely voice come from the door frame. It was Aaron. Someone put a hand on your shoulder as you felt the tears rolling down your face.

"We need to speak in my office agent hotchner. You can say hello to the team then you may meet me there" you say trying to remain stern but it was no use. You pushed past him in the doorway.

You heard the mumbles of the team telling Aaron they missed him but only one Italian man who came to check on you in your office. "Bella, are you okay"

"No Rossi, I'm not okay. The man I loved, the man I was falling for died. I thought he died. And then I had to face walking into his office every day because that's what I thought he would want. I looked after his child. He lives with me now. How could I be so foolish, I knew people faked their deaths yet not once did it cross my mind. And to find out that George Foyet knew before I did? How can I live with myself after that. I'm in pain and he just wants to come in here and take those two years back? His ex wife killed herself. I was left with his child. I didn't want children until I was much older and now I have a son. He's my son and I can't breathe anymore knowing that Aaron Hotchner was alive that whole time" you folded into Dave's arms

"I am so sorry this happened to you Alex. This was not your fault whatsoever. You don't deserve this at all. He has a lot of apologising to do. You deserve that. You were stabbed. You suffered too and you deserve the comfort he couldn't give you." Dave said wiping tears away from your eyes as you heard a knock at your door.

"Come in Agent hotchner" you say as he opens the door to reveal himself. He had grown a beard. He looked hot. No Alex you are supposed to be angry right now.

"Alex, I am so sorry, I have missed you every day. You were the only thing that kept me alive and I will do whatever it takes to thank you for that"

"Did you know? Did you know that Haley took her own life? Did you know I had to take custody of your son - my son? Did you know I tried to kill myself? Did you know what this did to me? Did you? What if I had started to take heroin again? I didn't but I thought about it, I thought about hallucinating you. Feeling your touch is all I wanted again and you were just living your life in Paris? How dare you"

"Alex- I. I didn't know you took Jack in. I am so sorry for all the pain I have caused you. I am so great full for what you have done for my son. I will be forever grateful"

"Your son? Aaron you were dead. Legally he is now my son and I intend to keep it that way. I love him so much... I loved you so much but now I can't breathe. It's like you're suffocating Me"

He walks over to you and gives you the biggest hug. You feel it ... the sparks. The same sparks you felt the night you met or that time in the office or when you first gave jack a hug. The sparks. The love.

"Aaron I still love you but if you think you don't love me anymore please just say it because I need you. Now more than ever and I can't live with myself if I forced you into this"

"Alex, I love you. I always have. And I need you, I need you to help me take every breath and to help me take every step. I love you Alex"

You kissed him. You shouldn't have because the team was watching but you did. You kissed him and it was the most passionate kiss you had ever had. The way your tongues danced together was magical. He was your one true love, your knight in shiny whatever. He was yours.

"I love you Aaron Christopher Hotchner"

"I love you Alexandria Dana Reid, I always have"

Just then you heard a knock at the door god damn it .

"Ma'am, we have a visitor" Garcia says smiling at you "uh I don't remember scheduling anyone to come and see us?"

"you're going to like who it is Alex" she says "is that so?"

You walk out of the office leaving Aaron standing there and jack comes running out of the elevator into your arms "hey mamma" "hey buddy, you're supposed to be at school! What are you doing here?" You say looking at Emily who you assumed was behind this. "Miss Prentiss told me someone here wanted to see me so she look me out of school!!" Jack said hugging the crook of your neck "who is it?"

"Jack I think we should go and see!" You say to him, walking him up the stairs to the catwalk. Opening the door you see your little boy's face light up like never before. You were alive. You were home.

"Daddy!" Jack says running towards Aaron "you're home!" You couldn't  hold back your tears anymore. You were a wreck.

"I'm home bud. I'm not going anywhere anymore" "but can mamma Reid stay?" Jack said cautiously

"As long as it's okay with your father, I'm not planning on going anywhere"

Yes .... You were home

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