The aftermath

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Tw: drug abuse

You decided you would go back home after your argument with Spencer. You figured it was the best thing you could do, give him some space.

You didn't exactly want to eat but you knew you needed to. You made a salad with a baked potato "that's enough for me" you say thinking out loud

Just then you hear a knock at the door. "I'm coming give me two minutes" you say before opening the door to reveal Emily, JJ and Penelope holding a bottle of wine, a box of pizza and a huge stuffed animal. They walked into your house before you even offered to let them in.

"I really don't understand how y'all know where I live ... I didn't tell anyone" you say confused. You were happy to have the company though. "Interpol files are really easy to hack if you have the right motivation" Penelope says this as though she does it all the time note to self : encrypt files better when you go back to work

"So, Alex, you have to tell us about the sex. Is he good? We brought a tape measure!" Emily says. You were unsure of what to say "well, he works magic with his hands ... but that's all I can tell you" you mutter unsure if the girls heard you. All you could think about was Spencer.

"Does anyone else think Spence is acting really weird. Like more than normal" JJ said obviously worried about your brother. When this is all over you need to let Spencer know about how JJ feels. "My brother will always act weird in the presence of women jayge. That's just how he is" you said earning a confused look from Penelope.

"There was this time in college my roommate Alice was obsessed with him. They were hanging out one time when I was at the library. When I got home, I accidentally walked in on them having sex in the middle of the living room." You said looking at the girls who were trying their best to stifle their giggles "it's not funny! I'm still traumatised" you say with an overdramatic hand on your heart.

"Well I want to hear about when you were engaged to a serial killer. Maybe we can compare stories" Emily said pouring herself another glass of wine.

"His name was Dmitri" you say earning a wolf whistle from the girls "he was so. Hot. Not as hot as Aaron but he was hot nevertheless. My undercover name was Anya and I remember when he proposed he said 'will you be the Anya to my Dmitri' you know from Anastasia.... The Disney movie ? Anyway it was the most beautiful ring ever. If he hadn't killed 20 women I absolutely would have said yes" the girls gave you a puzzled look. "Please tell me you've seen Anastasia" you say being met with heads shaking "right to the tv we go"

After 30 minutes of watching the movie you get another knock on the door. You open it to reveal Spencer, he looked distraught and his sleeves were rolled up."Alex I'm so sorry" he said looking at his arm "I shouldn't have said anything that I did -" you cut him off "Spencer what have you done" you say looking at the track lines on his arm. He's taking drugs again. "Spencer where are they. Where are the drugs" he hands you his bag before walking into your house.

"Spence are you okay?" JJ said, clearly worried about him. Not as much as you were. "Alex what's going on I thought you would be here alone" Spencer said ignoring JJ. "We were having a girls night, see we are watching Anastasia! We will have a discussion about what I have just found out tomorrow Spencer" you say taking all the bottles of dilaudid out of his bag.

"Spencer you look like shit" Emily slurred clearly drunk. "You don't look so good yourself Emily" he said jokingly. You figure since Spencer is here you should text Aaron to let him know he shouldn't come over.

"Are we enjoying the movie? Next time I should put it on in Russian and just whisper translate" you say enthusiastically earning a few groans from JJ and Penelope knowing they were the only ones who wouldn't understand it. "I cant believe I've never heard of this!" Penelope says giggling.

When the movie ended the girls went home leaving just you and Spencer in the house. "Lex you have a text" Spencer says looking over at your phone.

I would love to see you tomorrow. Wear a skirt.

Now what on earth did wear a skirt mean ... NEVERMIND you realised you knew exactly what he meant

I will see you tomorrow sir ;)

Okay maybe the wink was too much but who cares !! You're going to look irresistible tomorrow.

your alarm was getting easier to wake up to. You picked out today's outfit, a tan skirt with a cream tank top and a matching tan cardigan paired with your favourite black stilettos.

You walked into the living room to wake Spencer up. You decided he should stay over until you could get to his house to search high and low for any drugs. You never thought you would see him using again.

You made your way to FBI headquarters with Spencer. You made your way inside with him as he reassured you how truly sorry he was. "Spencer if I hear that two syllable word come out of your mouth again I will slap you into next year. It's fine!" You said trying to brighten the mood.

You stepped out of the elevator to see Aaron standing with a cup of coffee for you. "Aaron you remembered my order?" You said sheepishly before taking a sip. You follow him up the catwalk to his office before locking the door.

"You wanted to see me, sir" you say in the most sexual voice possible "so you really think that's smart Alexandria. You know how hard it is for me to keep my hands off you" he says, his eyes darkening

"You don't have to keep your hands off me when we are alone Aaron" you say grabbing at his tie trying frantically to close the space between you. "Alex, that's not why I asked you to come in here. I see you spoke to Reid" he said trying to maintain a professional atmosphere

"I did. He came over to my house last night. He isn't in the right headspace right now Aaron." You say trying to not make Spencer embarrassed but you knew people would find out soon enough. "Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt but Spencer needs Alexandria. Now." Penelope said. It was the most serious you had ever seen her.

You ran to the bullpen to see Spencer vomiting into a bucket next to his desk. "Shit. Withdrawal" you mumble before grabbing a cup of water. "Alex I'm so sorry" he said noticing you standing next to him " I should have just talked to you instead, I'm so sorry"

"Aaron I need to take him home. I'm so sorry but I need to be with him. Can we talk more tomorrow" you say already picking up Spencer's bag, spraying room deodoriser as you walked. "Alex can you handle this on your own?" "Aaron. I handled myself when I was like this, you can come over later if you want" you say swiftly giving him a kiss on the cheek before pulling your hair out of your face.

After getting Spencer home you successfully managed to get him cleaned up and he was sleeping peacefully on the sofa when you got a phone call.

"Dr. Alexandria Reid ... Emily calm down!"

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