One last time

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That son of a bitch was here and you weren't safe.


"Anya my love, I am making stroganoff for dinner do you want some?" Dimitri was constantly making stroganoff for dinner and you were constantly telling him how much you hated it. You were also advised to not eat any of the food he offered you, He was a cannibal after all

"No im alright my love, I will make myself something" calling a serial killer 'my love' would never feel normal, at least it shouldn't be too long until the team find real incriminating evidence against Dimitri. Until then you will just have to wait and play his game.

"Why won't you ever let me make you anything to eat?"

"I'm just independent my love, it's nothing new to you!" Smooth Alex ... real smooth

It was really more to do with the eating disorder the man had given you. Him calling you fat and ugly really took a toll on your psyche, you knew that. You began calorie counting years ago but you recently delved into the world of binge - purge. Bulimia Nervosa, your best friend.

"I love you, do you know that?" Dimitri came behind you wrapping his arms around you waist. The man disgusted you. He was truly disgusting. "Yeah hun I know, I love you too" you tried to hide your grimace with a smile.

Sometimes after being with him for such a long time, you forgot what was a lie and what was the truth ... did you love him? He was a murdering sociopath but how could you tell if you loved him or not? You didn't know what love felt like.

"Anya what is going on in that pretty little head of yours" shit make an excuse Alex

"Uh nothing much, the last year with you has been amazing. I was just remembering that"

"You remind me of a butterfly Anya, my beautiful butterfly"

"And how is that Dimitri?"

"When you came here you were small and ugly, now you are a beautiful butterfly. It's all because of me" he was smiling. He had a shit eating grin on his face and you weren't sure wether to take it as a compliment or not.

Dimitri was also partially to blame for your drug abuse. He used to shoot drugs into your system to knock you out and then go kill a woman and after, he would come back and rape you. Like you say he wasn't the bast human being in the world at all

Dimitri would let you go out once a week to have coffee with your friend Alexis who was also working the case with you. This week she had shocking news.

"Anya all this is almost over"

"What do you mean Alexis? Are they going to move on in?"

"Yes. Tomorrow "

"Oh thank god. I don't know how much longer I can deal with him. He is terrifying. I cant wait for the bureau to pay my therapy bill"

"Oh honey they owe you far more than that"

After your date you went 'home' to Dimitri who was cooking a lovely 'chicken' stew for himself. "You know the first time I saw you, you were sat in the window at a café on the river Volga. You were the first woman I saw and I instantly knew I had to have you"

You remembered that night like it was just yesterday. He came and sat with you as you finished your hot chocolate then he took you home. It was late so you decided to head up to bed. You slipped into the covers and found yourself slowly falling into your painless dreams

"I will kill you one day. I promise you that" was the last thing you heard before the drugs were pushed into your system and you were fast asleep.

In a way you were glad that you built a rapport with Dimitri. As a psychologist it was good to see a killers mind up close and it meant the more you praised him, the less likely he was to kill you.

You were tired when you woke up which wasn't very new. On the other hand, you woke up alone which was new. You walked downstairs in your green silk robe to see Dimitri sat on the sofa in handcuffs along with agent Harris and agent Davies. You were overjoyed to say the least.

"Dr. Reid! It's lovely to see you again!" Agent Harris said lifting you into a deep hug.

"I have missed you so much Luke!" You returned his hug looking towards Alexis giving her a smile.

"How do you two know each other Anya?" Dimitri was clearly confused

"my name is Dr.Reid, I work for Interpol. I'm sure you have been read your rights" you said smiling at Dimitri "have fun in prison my love"

And that was it, in a blink of an eye, it was all over. You were free.

Or so you thought

So from a distance I will be watching (a.h ) Where stories live. Discover now