I wasn't expecting you here

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TW: smut, drug abuse, ED

"What are you doing here?"

"Alexandria I am so sorry. I never meant for that to happen, are you okay" he says, his eyes scanning your body

"Aaron I'm fine, I swear. It wouldn't be the first time I've been called a whore in front of people I'm supposed to be respected by. And this is not your fault" you say trying to brush off the fact that you never told him where you lived yet here he is ... at you door

"Alex I- I thought I might have lost you. I didn't want that." He sounded distraught. Like he had just heard that his puppy had died. You felt absolutely awful.

"You didn't loose me Aaron. Now come here" you say patting the seat next to you on the sofa "you want anything to eat?"

"You." He said, you weren't sure if you were hearing right "I'm sorry?" You said highly confused "I want you. Right now. In that bed" you let out a light giggle. "Okay agent hotchner, anything for you" you say heading to your room and sitting on the bed.

When he finally came in you were already dripping with excitement. He came close to you, his lips leaving small bruises along your neck and collar bones. Slowly taking off your shirt .Peppering kisses along your sternum and down to the waistband of your shorts. He pulled them off with his teeth before staring down at you "beautiful" he said before taking off his tie, fashioning it into handcuffs restraining your wrists.

He stood at the end of the bed before you felt kisses being put on your inner thighs. "Aaron p-please" you pleaded to no avail.

"Please what little girl" he growled. His tongue writing his initials on your hip bone. "P-please s-stop teasing m-E" you attempted to get out a cohesive sentence but he stopped you by wrapping his lips around your clit turning you into a moaning mess. Aaron then used his thumb to circle your clit, sucking on his middle and index finger before sticking them inside of you, curling at your G-spot you were right this man works miracles with his hands you thought as you felt a knot forming in your stomach

"A-Aaron I-I'm gonna -" you consent form any more of the sentence without it falling out as a string of incoherent moans

"Cum for me baby" Aaron said. He was turned on by the sight of you begging for him and you could tell as you unravelled oh his fingers. Breathing heavily. You wanted to repay the favour so you dropped on your knees at the side of the bed "Alex what are you doing?" Aaron said, he looked concerned for a moment.

"I just wanted to make you feel good" you say as he picks you up off of the ground. "Alex I feel good knowing that you feel good. That's all that matters to me. Come on let's get you to bed" you could imaging you looked like a mess but you didn't care because lying in his arms felt so natural for you. You had never felt that kind of support before.

The next morning you woke up at 6 AM again. Aaron said he wanted you to come into the office again so you agreed and started to get ready.

You put on black slacks which made your ass look amazing, a red silk blouse and your classic black red bottoms. "Oh there is my beautiful Alex" you heard Aaron say from the doorway of your bathroom. You felt amazing just being near him but hearing him call you his felt even better. "Ready to go?" He asked pulling you out of your trance. You nodded your head and walked to his car with him.

You stopped to get coffee, making sure that you got one for Spencer you were just praying he didn't see you and Aaron walking into the office together. When you got to headquarters, Aaron put his hand on your lower back while walking you into the office. It all felt so ... good. Emily caught you two walking in together and gave you a quick nudge before asking how your night was. You didn't exactly want to explain but she was so kind to you yesterday so you decided you would tell her some -but not all- of what happened last night, Aaron was still her boss after all. Aaron walked you up to his office before telling you you should go explore. You took Spencer's coffee to his empty desk hoping he would know it was from you.

You decided you would go hang out with Penelope for a while before going back and seeing Aaron and talking to Spencer. "Hey Penelope" you said as she turned around. "Oh my honey how are you? Did Hotch ask for you to come in? He shouldn't have done that! Im so sorry about Spencer, I'm sure you guys will be okay!" Penelope started to ramble before she even realised she was talking. "Pen I'm okay thank you. Yes Aaron did ask me to come in ... well in less words. And no I haven't spoken to Spencer. I am stalling here, can't you tell" you laughed, Penelope flashed you a worried smile and continued to do her work

"You know I don't understand how you do it pen" you said, breaking the silence "you're always so happy and colourful but you see the same things as us every day! I had to resort to heroin to keep me that happy" you said sadly. She looked at you like you were going to break but you wouldn't let yourself

"Baby animals" she said smiling. "I'm sorry?" You said puzzled. "Baby animals are the things that get me through it, oh and my chocolate thunder" she explained handing you about five stuffed animals "you can keep them, you need them" she said giving you the biggest hug imaginable. "Now stop talking to me and go speak to your stupid brother" she said shooing you out of her lair.

You dropped your 5 stuffed animals in Aaron's office. "I see Garcia had done her best to comfort you" he said laughing to himself. "Well I don't think you want me to stop eating or to do heroin again so really she helped... a lot" you said slightly awkwardly when you realised you haven't eaten in two days. "You're stronger than me you know Lex." He said as you turned to leave. "oh yeah? How is that?" You asked quizzically. "Well if my brother said anything like what yours said to you, I probably would have drank a full bottle of scotch." He said blatantly. "I cant do that Aaron. I cant because if I get too drunk I might get high and if I get high I might forget to not do heroin. That's what happened the last time we stopped talking, Spence and I. It didn't end well" you say smiling before giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking out of his office.

Spencer was sat drinking his coffee at his desk. Scanning through files at a lightning speed that's my brother you think to yourself as you walk down the stairs.

"Spence can we talk"

So from a distance I will be watching (a.h ) Where stories live. Discover now