Champagne problems

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He knew you would get some answers out of him tonight.

"Okay I will go first! Alex! Is it true that Emily tied you up when you had sex?"Garcia piped up from the other end Of the table.

"Is now really the time for this Garcia? My brother is sitting opposite me! But yes that would be true... but so did hotchner over there so I really don't see the issue!" You laugh at the teams puzzled faces

"Oooh me next!" JJ said from the end of the table "Spence do you have a crush on anyone at this table?"

Spencer looked extremely flushed "yes ... yes I do"

"Me next!" You shouted from the head of the table "Kate! What is your relationship with Aaron?" You were desperate to hear this one. So was the rest of the team

"We uhh liaised when I was in Scotland Yard and we hooked up once when we were on that case" she said looking at Aaron who was giving me the 'I hate you right now' eyes

"I never would have guessed Aaron Hotchner was a one night stand guy" Derek piped up patting him on the back saying "my man!"

"Alexandria!" Aaron shouted from his end of the table "tell the team where you got those scars on your arms" He knew that would hit a nerve... he had seen your file. He knew the answer.

"I was abused by my ex-fiancé... he smashed a bottle one night and sliced my arms up. He was trying to kill me. Is that what you wanted to hear agent hotchner?" You were tearing up, Spencer had already heard the story but he knew it hurt all the same no matter how much time had passed

"I think we should stop for tonight!" Garcia stated simply. You all agreed. You were furious, he just told your team - the people who were supposed to respect you - that you were abused. That was low ... extremely low

"I'm going to speak with Elle tomorrow! She accepted the position. She seems lovely I'm excited to work with her" you said trying to brighten the mood.

"You know she's coming on the team to replace Prentiss ... try not to fuck her too. She doesn't deserve to be turned into an unsub too" Aaron said . You truly didn't know what was wrong with him.

"Excuse me a moment" you said standing up and running to the bathroom. You weren't sure if you were going to throw up or sob your heart out. Both seemed extremely possible.

You made it to the bathroom and felt the air burning at your lungs as your throat let out a loud sob. You remember the last time you were in this bathroom when Emily helped you up from the floor. Nobody was there to help you up now. You didn't have anyone anymore.

You let your tears dry before walking out of the bathroom to get back to the table before leaving to go home. On your way to the table you bumped into your old friend from college. You exchanged your hellos and then you made your way to the table. You walked in on Spencer scolding Aaron.

"Aaron you have absolutely no right to bring that up do you understand me? No right at all"

"Spencer, I didn't mean for it to be that big of a deal!"

"Oh I'm sorry should I just bring up your dead cheating wife and expect you to be fine? Yeah I didn't think so"

You felt sick to your stomach. The only thing that could make you feel better is going home to your son. So that is what you had to do.

"I am going to head back home to Jack, the sitter will probably be wanting to get home. It was great to meet you Kate ! If you ever need anything the BAU will always be there for you! Also guys have a good weekend but not too good ... Strauss is already on my ass do I make myself clear? No kissing or anything like that I know what your parties are like"

And just like that you were back at home snuggled in your son's bed with him reading his favourite book "do you know where daddy is?"

"He will be home soon pumpkin, get some sleep okay? I love you"

"I love you too mamma"

Conversations with Jack were your favourite. He always knew what was wrong and how to fix it so really he was nothing like his father.

You woke up the next morning alone in bed which wasn't unusual if you came home by yourself but it didn't stop you from worrying. You walked into the living room to see Aaron passed out on the couch ... typical.

You made yourself a cup of coffee before getting changed into a black lace bustier-style top, a white blazer, a white skirt and black heels. You took your keys from the counter before meeting with the babysitter who was here to look after Jack while you were out with Elle. Lord knows Aaron won't be up for another hour or two and he would be insufferable if you woke him up.

You walked to the library you were meeting Elle at. It was just down the street so you didn't feel the need to take the car. You saw Elle sat at a table in the window, you knew you were only supposed to have a work relationship with her but you felt safe with her, you felt like you could have a great friendship with her!

You sat and talked for a while until the conversation of last night came up. You were telling her about Kate and how that made you feel and about what Aaron said about me fucking her which made her laugh uncontrollably.

"What even happened between the two of you? I get the feeling I'm only getting half of the story here"

"So I was tired after a case so he sent me home with Anderson but he didn't stay with me and I got shot by the unsub ... I couldn't do anything about it I was so overworked and tired but when I tried to say anything Gideon or Spence would tell me to calm down."

"I never knew it was that bad Elle I'm so sorry! Aaron can be a dick sometimes ... I for one know that"

And just like magic the door opened and there stood the two hotchner boys.

"Hey bud ! This is Elle! She is going to join mamma with fighting the bad guys! Isn't that cool" you say lifting Jack onto your knee

"Alexandria you didn't tell me where you were going. I was worried"

"Aaron I don't want to talk about this right now. Especially not in front of Jack"

"Okay well it was nice to see you Elle, come on Jack"

And just like that, he was gone

So from a distance I will be watching (a.h ) Where stories live. Discover now