I didnt love you ... ever

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"It's okay PG, let's go get this bitch"

You drove out to the warehouse where Emily was supposedly keeping the girls she kidnapped. You started to devise a plan for how you were going to get her out.

We planned that I would go in unarmed (much to Aaron's dismay) because she said she didn't want to hurt me. After five minutes the team would come in ... along with Elle.

As you walked in and she saw you and grabbed you by the waist "I knew as soon as I said I would use you that you would come running". She started to pepper kisses all the way down your neck leaving hickeys all over you. You felt absolutely disgusting but she had a gun to your spine so it's not like you were able to go anywhere.

"Emily Prentiss... FBI. You are being charged with homicide. You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you ..." Aaron said cuffing her hands behind her back.

"Do you use these cuffs on Alex? I did ... she liked it a lot. Maybe you should listen to her more Aaron" Emily said practically spitting in Aaron's face "you deserve to be dead Aaron Christopher Hotchner"

The jet ride home was awkward. Everyone was walking on eggshells around you after the phone call  until Derek decided he would start cracking jokes

"So Alex... how does it feel having people fight over you?"

"Well you underestimate the power of a very strong woman Derek Morgan"

"No, I suppose I just underestimate the terrors of people into BDSM"

"You mean you work with us and you still don't understand how serious BDSM is?" Spencer piped up

"Oh pretty boy put your earmuffs on you don't want to hear this conversation" he said covering Spencer's ears "so you and Hotch are kinky, I would never have guessed?"

"Agent Morgan May I remind you I am still your superior and talking to me in this inappropriate manner may lead to your transfer to a desk job in the bureau" you say jokingly while nudging Aaron who was nodding his head slowly

"Okay mamma, I will remember that if you ever come in with bruises on your wrists" Derek said winking at Aaron which earned him yet another slap on the arm

You tried your best to change the subject. "So what's the story with Elle. I expect everyone who can to answer ... I'm sure Rossi is also intrigued" you say looking over at Dave who was nodding

"So Elle was here for a few years, she was a part of the family, it was always easy to talk to her about anything." Spencer started

"You loved her ?" You asked him

"Yeah ... but she was my best friend, I couldn't do anything like that"

"Well now you can ... I just sent off a letter asking her to rejoin. We will see if she accepts. She seems really nice!" You said looking at Aaron who was giving you a quizzical look "what?"

"Alex, I didn't think you liked her? You asked me if I liked her!" Aaron said, whispering the last part

"Aar I know but she could be extremely valuable to our team! She can replace Emily. I already spoke to the brass, they're all happy about it!"

You arrived back at the bureau to a stack of paperwork that you weren't happy about but you were promised a drink with the team at the end of the day which got you through it.

You were interrupted from your paperwork by chief Strauss walking through your door "Dr.Reid. Can we have a word?"

"Yes ma'am, what can I do for you today!"

"I have been made aware about your relationship and how it affected your team. I will be re-evaluating all of your cases and the way you interact with the team. Alexandria you need to remember how you act reflects on the bureau as much as it does on you. The brass isn't happy about this agent"

"Ma'am" you said sternly

"No agent you do not get to talk like that to me. You had a romantic relationship with a subordinate and it backfired in all of our faces"

"With all due respect ma'am, my relationship with Emily Prentiss was a one time thing which I never let get in the way of my work. It is truly unfair that you are using something that happened over two years ago while I was grieving against me. Is that all?"

"Yes Alexandria. That is all, I will see you on Monday" she says turning to leave "and Dr.Reid, I respect you, I really do so please don't screw this up again"

You were lost for words. 'Don't screw this up again" is that serious what she just said to you? When have you screwed up before? You're sure she knows about Aaron so was this a warning? Whatever it was, there was no reason to get hung up about it this weekend.

After you had all finished your paperwork you went to the bar. All the memories of you and Aaron came flooding to your brain. This bar was where your love story took place. This was where it first started.

"Aar do you remember what happened two years ago at this bar?"

"Of course I do Alex! I replay that night in my brain every day" he said gently kissing your forehead.

"Who knew Aaron Hotchner was so soft outside of the office!" It was a woman you didn't recognise ... she was dangerously close to Aaron though. She spoke with an English accent and she looked a lot like Haley - his EX WIFE Haley .....

"Kate! How have you been! It's been forever" Aaron pulled her into a hug ... he GRABBED HER WAIST. I mean maybe you're just thinking too much into this but you might not be ...

The rest of the team seemed to know her. They all pulled her into a hug exclaiming greetings at her

"Well since nobody else seems to be introducing us I'm Dr. Alexandria Reid, unit chief ! Would you like to join us?" Good job Alex you didn't sound TOO jealous... right?

"Oh! It's nice to meet you Alexandria! I'm Kate Joyner! I worked a case with the team a while ago. Are you Spencer's.... Sister?"

"Yep I'm his sister! And it's great to meet you Kate! What are you drinking?"

"Oh I'm not drinking, I don't anymore... I used to be an addict!" She was looking at Aaron like she wanted him to just bend her over the table ... and it looks like he would do it.

"Oh okay Kate! Are you joining us ?"

"That would be great! Thank you Alex!" You didn't tell her she could call you that ... bitch

"I think we should play truth or drink!" Garcia was obviously picking up on the tension between the two of you

"PG I think that's a great idea!" you said looking over at Aaron

He knew you were going to get some answers out of him tonight

So from a distance I will be watching (a.h ) Where stories live. Discover now