General Log #12

192 6 4

Aka minor characters trying to build a story together


Scuba: Already guys I have the best idea ever

Scuba: An idea that will make us way better than our famous counterparts

B-Sailor: You do realise this is a chatroom for.... when battles are around. Right?

Scuba: Well, I don't care

Scuba: I hate being compared to Aloha and looked down as his "Less important sidekick" when I get more girls than him.

Scuba: So now I thought of a game changer!

Designer Headphones: Oh my cod, something fun? what is it :3

Scuba: Oh. I want us to create a story one by one

B-Sailor: There's only like 3 inklings online.

Scuba: Then.... I just. Spam the @everybody tag :)

B-Sailor: That's completely evil but I do want to see how that goes

Designer Headphones: Ooooo a story??? What genre? Comedy, action? Mystery, suspense? oo ooo what about romance :3

Scuba: Well that depends on you guys

Scuba: @everyone

B-Sailor: Uh. He did it.

Octoglasses: Um

Octoglasses: A story? is that really whatchu guys are up to ._.

Forge: What's this again?

B-Sailor: Forge this is the battle chat. But Scuba is being out of the topic.

Bamboo: that doesn't so bad. i want to pass some time. since blazer is away. and so is rider.

Scuba: I'm not out of the topic completely. We need something so we can be friendlier towards eachother

Octoglasses: None of us really talk with eachother outside of our own team, lol

Stealth: ^

Cleats: exactly what octoglasses has said.

Scuba: I don't know who cleats even is

Scuba: But yeah, doesn't matter

Scuba: Who else is online?

Backwards: Me but I ain't talking because of that punk!

B-Sailor: Still mad over that... it's been like weeks come on...

B-Sailor: I'm a redeemed man now

Backwards: Yeah, Yeah well I wouldn't trust it in the slightest

Backwards: (Uhh yeah by the way, why isn't safari in this chatroom)

Forge: I don't know

Octoglasses: Shrug

Lyvader: Huehuehueheu... we are going to write something.. all together?

Lyvader: Do you not know how widely flawed that is?

Scuba: what, it's for fun

Scuba: And fun is fun

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