S4 Chatroom

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3 days ago

Army: Alright I have my manual! My informative source!

Aloha: Haha your manual is useless~


Skull: ... Why are you typing in caps?

Aloha: Haha, I was just joking, army! Why do you always take things literally? 

Mask: Oh god why the fuck I am here

Aloha: Mask, how are you~

Mask: Fucking terrible because of you.

Skull: Cheer up Mask, we have some things to discuss.

Mask: Like?

Army: (At Aloha) I just do.... I'm a soilder not a jokester 

Aloha: Oky Doky~

Skull: Alright. Alright. We have to discuss the up-coming cup.

Army: Fascinating! 

Mask: A cup? 

Aloha: We are going to throw a party if we'll win~ 🎵

Mask: No we won't, idiot

Skull: Here's the deal lads. You know how I showed you the photo of the "X-Blood" team?

Aloha: Oh yeah those guys! They don't seem so scary~

Mask: Fucking hell, you don't know that yet

Army: They appear to be really, really good at ranked which is what the cup will be based upon!

Aloha: They're not as fast as me~ 

Mask: Are you dumb? We couldn't get close to Emperor how are we supposed to beat this X-Blood team

Army: You really don't know yet... we haven't seen a match yet of theirs!

Aloha: Confidence is everything! Don't you learn that in school~

Mask: What the flying fuck

Army: I don't need confidence if I have my manual

Mask: ......

Skull: Guys, hold up.

Army: Yeah?

Skull: The leader of the x-blood... and his other companion, Omega.. we knew eachother before.

Aloha: Huh?

Mask: Seriously... what is this mess.

Army: Shut it for a bit! Our leader's typing!

Skull: Way before I met you guys, me and the leader, whose name is Vintage, and, Omega, were both in a team.

Aloha: What was the fourth person~?

Skull: Aviators.

Army: Why haven't you told us this before? 

Skull: Obvious reasons. Want to keep this anoymous. Vintage, the leader, is extremely power-hungry for his own good.

Mask: Awch. 

Aloha: We can earse them out if we go against them, yeah?

Mask: Dude, we don't know yet. How much should we say that to you?

Skull: Vintage is pretty godly at the splatling. That's all I can really say.

Army: I have information on splatlings! Which one is it?

Aloha: I'm quite fast... I think~

Skull: The ballpoint.

Army: Interesting...

Skull: So is everyone up for this...?

Mask: For the cup? Fucking yes, I've been waiting for the perfect opportunity to use this damn carbon roller.

Aloha: Yeah~

Army: Yes!

Skull: Then let's do this. Let's try something new.

Army: What if Team Blue joins in?

Mask: Curse Em'. They are not completely invincible.

Aloha: Have fun~

Mask: Seriously? Ranked's shit full of competive players not casual.

Skull: Yeah, but having fun is essential. Remember that.

Army: And if we don't win, we'll still have good tasting curry.

Mask: That doesn't sound so bad now..

Skull: That's the spirit. Let's plan some strategies now.


Note; the next chapter is going to be about n-pacer and emperor's direct messages and then we'll be back to the general logs! I want to give some backstory to this!

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