Emperor and N-Pacer

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Some time ago...

Emperor: Hey N-Pacer, can you do me a favor?

N-Pacer: What, you are already back from your "Mission.?"

Emperor: No pace I need you to do something... something about the upcoming cup if you know what I mean.

N-Pacer: The Ranked Tournament, right? We've never done ranked for what we can remember.

Emperor: That's why most of us are C-. But none judged us because of the times we won. However that's not the point, I won't be back for the cup probably or if I will I'll just watch. I need Prince to lead his own team. 

N-Pacer: Oh, so you want us to find a 4th member?

Emperor: Presumably if you guys are even attending.

N-Pacer: We will, likely. But that's for Prince's final word :)

Emperor: Because I know one inkling who seems intriguted into joining.

N-Pacer: Is it, the girl who always visited us when she wanted advice on how to use her charger?

Emperor: No, not her.

N-Pacer: Then who?? Because I'm sure it'd be any of our visitors.

Emperor: Do you know my father's gardener? 

N-Pacer: Yes but he's too old

Emperor: Nah, he has a son.

N-Pacer: Laceless? He sometimes watches us practice. 

Emperor: Yeah, him. From what I know he mains splash-o-matic, pretty tight weapon. It'd be appreciated if you get in contact with him, let he join Prince.

N-Pacer: I will! By the way, what were you doing after we left??

Emperor: Well first of all I did some sessions with this guy who apparently teaches youngsters to use their weapon in a sportmanship way. I'm not really young, but he let me join it anyways. Lasted 3 days and was pretty, fun.

N-Pacer: That's amazing!

Emperor: Then I've been to some landmarks and inspected them, chatted with the common players and ate fine cuisines. 

N-Pacer: We've been doing a few battles with smaller teams, (Pairing up with an random inkling everytime) and it went great but it's been so different without you :(

Emperor: Aw. I'd be a terrible king if I left my friends. 

N-Pacer: I know you'll be back soon so I'm happy!

Emperor: Yeah, I have a few last things to do and then I'll likely be back. Make sure to contact that Laceless kid. 

N-Pacer: I will ^^

Emperor: Then everything will be fine. See you.

N-Pacer: Ciao! 


End of the dms for now, General log #2 next chapter!!

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