General Log #10

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After the Ranked tournament,  (Contains spoilers for the not yet translated coroika chapters- be aware.)

Also new friendships


Another Chatroom (At this point they have no idea how many they've made so far)


Mask: Me and Bobble have been together for 2 weeks now.. I feel like my anxiety is slowly disappearing!

Aloha: Now you got to make your fever disappear too~🎵

Mask: That's impossible!

Rider: I like how we're still using this chatroom when we can all go out and do something nice together?

Aloha: We'd get arrested, Rider~🎵

Army: Oh yeah! And I've only just gotten out of the wheelchair recently...

Army: This lack of mobility has been killing me

Inkfall: i haven't been on here for 5 years how is everyone doing

Rider: it's been fair, Mr.Clean.

Inkfall: Did that edgy blue-red haired dude stopped being problematic?

Rider: Do you mean Vintage?

Inkfall: Yeah I am glad I never went against him

Rider: He's been doing better. Hell, he's friends with one of us again.

Skull: He's not here. 

Inkfall: phew, i dislike rude people!

Mask: So uhhh

Mask: What should I do for my anniversary?

Skull: There's no events currently yet so you might want to take her to the park or something.

Rider: you can't make this secretive she's in this chatroom lol

Emperor: Actually, there should be buffets and cafes open in the upper-part of the square.

Mask: There's like 2 million

Goggles: Wouldn't that fill up the entire square???

Mask: Damn you don't get it.

Rider: Of course he isn't going to

Rider: Mask you should try the one near the deca they have good, not TV-Static tasting Sprite.

Mask: Alright but if it does taste like that I am going to smack you

Stealth: Haha.

Mask: I'll text her

Mask: This is going to hopefully go well


Emperor: Shouldn't have been so open, then.

Mask: I'll unhappily see you all later 

Rider: Notify us if you see edgy newcomers who think they're better than us.

Aloha: mask wha

Aloha: I was watching videos online~🎵

Skull: Are you guys okay with Vintage being here?

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