Specs Interviews EP2~ A new idol spotted in town?

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Specs: Is this camera on?

Specs: Oh yeah, it is screen-recording.

Specs: I'm not so good when it comes to introductions, but welcome to the new Episode of "Specs Interviews"!

Specs: Today, apparently, a new idol has been spotted in town!

Specs: I will be reporting you with three "eyewitnesses"

Specs: First we'll have the King, I'll message him now.


Specs: Hey Emperor.

Emperor: Long time no see, Specs. Is there anything you need...?

Specs: Yes.

Specs: I need your thoughts on an idol being spotted yesterday. it was all over the news.

Emperor: Hmmmm. I have not heard of such idol.

Emperor: I don't check the news.

Specs: Huh?

Emperor: Yeah, I really don't have time for that.

Specs: Okay, I'll describe it to you.

Specs: They were wearing a gigantic jacket and a hat.

Emperor: That doesn't sound like anyone that I know. But how do you know that is an idol?

Emperor: It is very interesting though, a new idol. I don't think anyone can replace Off The Hook.

Specs: Well...

Specs: They were holding a microphone in their hands and the area they were spotted at was beside the Arcade

Specs: The creepy area, the dodgy palace... that's the names people call it! Emperor, what do you think?

Emperor: Hmmm... Well

Emperor: I think it could just be an ordinary commoner.

Emperor: I could be holding a microphone. That doesn't stop me from being a king. I'll always be one. I wouldn't become instantly an idol just by touching a microphone.

Specs: Well, yeah. But people have circulated all over the internet about an upcoming idol group making its way to the square.

Specs: It is not a coincidence that this was merely a spotting.

Emperor: It doesn't excite me.

Specs: Okay then, thank you for your input!


Specs: That was a push.

Specs: It's hard to discuss matters with someone who is not interested!

Specs: I will now be interviewing... Hachi!

Specs: I think it will be more useful to discuss this with him!


Specs: Hello, Hachi. Are you online?

Hachi: I'm here.

Specs: Have you heard of the idol spotting? I need thoughts about that for my column.

Hachi: Oh, that

Hachi: Yeah, I was very indulged into that and went onto each website

Hachi: Couldn't find information on the idol. Maybe they are keeping their face hidden from the public eye

Specs: Yeah perhaps.

Specs: I speculate they might make a public appearance in the next month or two.

Hachi: I hope they are octolings and we get more representation

Specs: That's good to hear and thank you.


Specs: Our last person is Gloves!

Specs: Hope it goes well.


Specs: Hi Gloves.

Gloves: Don't Hi me! You left me on read from the last interview.

Specs: That's because you were late!!!

Gloves: By like a minute!

Specs: 30 minutes to be exact.

Gloves: Yeah, uh, still.

Gloves: Patience is a virtue!

Specs: Not when I have to submit things quickly!!!

Gloves: I'm not going to answer your questions ever again.

Specs: Ok....

Specs: .......


Specs: That's all there is. It took me 15 minutes to persuade Gloves into telling me the answer.

Specs: And all I got was a simple "I don't care."

Specs: Either way, I'm really excited about this spotting. I'm a big fan of music groups.

Specs: Till next time!


5 hours later

Specs: Turns out it wasn't an idol.

Specs: It was Rider.

Specs: And he's sick of seeing himself everywhere.


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