Team Blue Chatroom

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First day of Turfing.

Goggles: Yay! I finally got it to work!

Specs: Hold up, it took you 2 months to create this, seriously?

Goggles: Yep! Just now I've added everyone.... though maybe I missed Bobble Hat...

Specs: Cod damn it, I'll add her hold up

Specs added Bobble Hat to the chat

Headphones: Finally! Now we can talk about... important matters!

Bobble Hat: We can finally do Turf wars ^^

Goggles: What's that??

Headphones: What? You don't know what turf wars are...?

Goggles: I've heard about them but I am not exactly sure how they work 😁

Specs: Easy you take your weapon and ink up your territory and splat your enemies!

Headphones: That is... if you don't get splatted first...

Bobble Hat: Or lose your weapon throughout the match!

Goggles: They better be fun!!!

Bobble Hat: I did one yesterday by myself and won, even if one of our teammates fell asleep after a minute of battling ^^

Specs: That's just awful.

Headphones: Well we can do turf wars to help us for the upcoming CoroCoro Cup!

Specs: Ah yes, the tournament. We better be all mature when it comes to that stage.

Goggles: Thankfully I am!

Specs: No you're not.

Goggles: I am!

Specs: Then how come you got kicked out of a funfair for pantsing down a stranger?

Goggles: That was so long specs, I've changed my self ever since!!

Specs: That was techincally only a day ago.

Goggles: Nevermindy then

Headphones: Apparently the new popularly formed S4 will be there!

Bobble Hat: They look interesting ^^

Specs: And there's going to be tons of other teams too, wanting that prize.

Goggles: We can defiantly win, right?

Headphones: You've never done a turf war before!

Goggles: We can have one now!

Bobble Hat: Yeah!

Specs: Ah guys... you know we don't have our weapons on us?

Goggles: I do, it's always in my room

Headphones: I left mine at the plaza safe-keeping lockers

Goggles: We should all meet up right now!!!

Specs: This will be your first time doing turf wars, though, yeah?

Goggles: Yes Specs, but I understand some tips from school!

Headphones: I'm way ahead of you, I did some ranked battles yesterday

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