Warmth by the Sea

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I look up and see that warm familiar smile that I love


"Hi" Hazel says and sits down next to me.

" Hi " I say back embarressed that she caught me crying. I turn around so I don't face her. "It's alright Sawyer, what happened?" she asks

        I  turn around to face her. I start to break down crying and I stutter out the words." I have to go to summer school which means no winter." SHe gasps but all I do is keep crying I can't take not being with her, It would hurt me. I told her " I never thought I would care for another living thing, my dad left us when i was only a baby. I could never trust anyone. The only person I trusted was my cousin Kyle and he left me too." I say

        New tears start to come up and I can't hold them back but this time I don't cry into Hazel's shoulder. I look out to the ocean. It's the same ocean, where winter came from, where I played and where Kyle used to swim in, but it's different.  I turn back to Hazel who's staring at me with warm eyes. She's always been here for me. I give her a hug and I breathe in. She smells like Lilacs and Coconut. I look in her eyes and she says "Let's Go see Winter" and we walk to the aquarium.



hey guys how are you did you expect that? well anywayb please read the Life of Kaitlyn MacAdria  and Your are not alone the Story of Sean and Nicole. They are really good and also please read my friends' stories , @juliesings21 Published by Cassie  and @teenietinie12 The Boy I don't remember. Thanks 

( Sorry I don't want to be that author) 

Bye my Jewels,

~Jules xxx

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