The Aquarium Visit

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        As soon as I'm done in school. I pack all of my things up. I race to my locker in a hurry so I can go see the dolphin. I realized that it wasn't too far from my home. I get to my locker fumbling with the lock and I swing it open. I rip/pull my backpack out and stuff all the books  I need in it. I close my locker and anxiously await for the last bell to ring.


        I dash through the crowd and rip open the doors.I run outside and get to my bike. I fumble with the key and take the lock off. I hop onto my bike and I speed away from that death trap they call School.

        I get to the aquarium and I drop my bike down. I slowly walk up to the door and open it. I walk in and I see and awesome skeleton hanging from the ceiling. I walk up the stairs slowly and there I see it.  In the pool I see the dolphin. The girl I met was trying to help her swim.I hid and all of a sudden the dolphin made the noise I whistled to her. Then a pelican came and bit my foot and I knew I was in for it. I knew they would find me.


Authors note 

Hey guys I wrote this because you guys are being really patient towards me so I wrote this just for you guys I hope you enjoy! (FYI: I will occasionally write chapters like these but it is still going to be on hold I am sorry guys but don't worry the story will still continue)

You guys are great! ENJOY!

*If you like this then try and read my other works

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