Opening Curtain

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For the past few weeks I have been going over to the aquarium non-stop. I hang out with Winter every chance I get but I also go there to work. I get to work with my best friend and learn about the ocean. We're slowly getting the aquarium back up and operating. We only have the deep ocean open right now but because it's summer it's a big hit! Everyone is loving the aquarium soon we hope to get other parts open. 

I got up the stairs to feed the otters they are little rascals but so adorable. I think of Kyle. He was sent out to a rehab in the country and we're going to  go visit him next week. I haven't seen him since he came back I was so worried with winter and the aquarium I didn't realize that he hasn't been home I only found out he left last week. He has been moody since then.

I get the otters ready and the seals  ready because we're going to be opening them today. We're so excited. This is one that has been requested for months and now it will finally be opened.

I put my name tag on and I go stand next to the otters I take a deep breathe as I hear a voice. "Nervous?"

I look over to the seal tank and I see hazel swim over in her wet suit. Her hair in up in a ponytail and she has a waterproof mic on her.

"Yeah how could you tell?" I answer back.

"Well for one you're shaking the bucket of fish I know they're dead but don't give them whiplash."

I look down at my hands and she's right the bucket is shaking my knuckles are pure white. 

"Sorry I was never good at public speaking."

She lifts her self up and stands on the glass walkway between the two enclosures.

"Sawyer, you love this aquarium just speak from the heart and you will do fine. I believe in and if all else fails just stick to the script ok?"

"Now let's get in position because in 3 seconds we're about to go live."

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