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        I Bike Home with Winter on my Mind. Huh Winter I like that name for her. It suits her very well.  I wonder what's for dinner and instead of taking a right to go home I take a left and find myself on the beach that I found Winter on. I put my bike down and walk along the coast.

                I kneel down and look at the spot where I found winter. You can barely just make out her shape. I sigh thinking of when I found her. She was so scared now she looks a little calmer when I saw her. But her tail wasn't getting any better, I just don't know how she will survive if it doesn't heal. I sit down now and just let the waves roll over me I don't care if I'm wet I'll just shower. 

        As I think of winter I think of my cousin Kyle. They're so similar They both love to swim. I just don't know why he would abandon us, Abandon ME, to go into the Military. Doesn't He know we need him to help us. I look out at sea, I wish I was just a good as swimmer as Kyle. I get up, soaked with sea water. I get on my bike a pedal home. When I get home my mom has  a peice of paper in her hand. I mutter Uh Oh. Then I walked to her and waited for her to yell at me.


Hey guys! Thanks for all of your support 1.7 K guys ! That's awesome and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you! Tell me how you like it. If you guys please would look at my new story I would love it My New story is called the Life of Kaitlyn MacAdria. It is really similar to this but not about a movie. If you guy would read it I would so Love it. I will update when this get 5 votes and 4 comments. Thanks



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