Photos - NR

10.7K 206 44

word count: 1.3k
warnings: mild swearing, fluff


Tony had given everyone 2 months off from missions (unless they were really important). You didn't really know what to do with yourself so you decided to download Tiktok. You never usually had time to use social media as you were always either on missions or training really hard with the rest of the team. Cap and Nat have a really strict training schedule when you guys aren't on holiday.

But seeing as there were no missions and not as intense training sessions (you still ran in the morning and sparred with Nat) you decided to spend some time on TikTok.

When you first opened the app there were a bunch of random videos, including people dancing and shaking their asses. You very quickly scrolled passed that because those kids looked about 10 years old. There were videos of recipes that you saved for when it's your turn to cook, people playing pranks (you didn't tell Sam or Bucky about those ones) and lots of people lip syncing to famous movie sounds.

You had been on TikTok for about 4 hours straight at this point and you had come onto your favourite thing - room tour tiktok. You had recently moved into Nat's room because you couldn't sleep on your own as you're scared of the dark and get really bad nightmares. You and Nat had decorated a bit, but had never found the time to fully complete your bedroom to your standards. There was one wall that was really bugging you as you wanted to put something on it but didn't know what.

As you were scrolling through the #roomtour you came across a cool feature that seemed to become a trend - the photo wall. There were countless videos of people printing photos and creating a huge collage on their bedroom wall. You knew instantly that you had to do this!

You finally managed to exit TikTok (after 6 hours straight) and went onto your camera roll. You always took photos on your phone as Tony had upgraded everyone to the latest  StarkTech™ phone, which had the best camera ever. You annoyed everyone by taking photos at breakfast, lunch and dinner, at Stark's infamous parties, and even on missions. You would take selfies with everyone everyday because you loved looking back on memories and laughing about what happened that day.

Wanda was probably the most tolerating of your 'photo-taking' craze, as she was really artistic and loved scrap-booking. She would always ask you to take photos for her to use.

So, as you were scrolling through your camera roll, you decided to make a separate album for photos you could use on the wall. Once you were done adding to it, you saw that there were over 1000 photos you wanted to print. Now, to any normal person, that would seem really expensive to have printed, but you're living at Avengers Tower, with the Tony Stark... money is never an issue.

You skipped down to Tony's lab, humming "Walking on Sunshine" as you went. You ran through the door and yelled "STARKKKK!!!!" causing Tony to drop his spanner and mutter a string of profanities.

"Good afternoon Sunshine" he said with an eye roll. "What can I do for you on this pleasant day?"

"Can you print these photos for me pleassseeeeee" you got down on your knees in front of him (naughty! don't think like that!) and clasped your hands, pleading with your eyes.

"Because you asked so nicely, yes i can" You could hear the sarcasm dripping off Tony's words, but you were too set on your idea to care.

He walked over to some weird machine thing which apparently was going to print your photos. You didn't care how it happened, you just care that it happened!

"How many are you wanting to print Squirt?" That was your nickname he liked to call you, seeing as you were the shortest on the team.

"Umm... 1287..." you said sheepishly, looking at him through your thick lashes, trying to give puppy dog eyes.

"Jesus Christ Y/N! Why the he— yeah i'm not even gonna ask". Tony projected a hologram of your photos onto the machine and it suddenly sprung to life, producing 6x4" replicas of your little masterpieces. You were bouncing on the balls of your feet, eager to get going.

10 minutes later, all 1287 photos were printed. You grabbed them and yelled "THANKS TONE" over your shoulder as you raced back up to yours and Nat's room.

You grabbed the blue tack and a step ladder and got to work...

4 hours later....

You had spent the last 4 hours sticking your photos onto the wall. Being the perfectionist you were, it took ages as you had to make sure each one was straight. You now had one photo left to put up, and it was your favourite. You had it set as your lock screen.

It was a photo of you and Nat at the carnival in front of a pride flag you had found at one of the stalls. You had to stand on your tiptoes to reach her lips, and Wanda had taken a sneaky photo on your phone, which you didn't discover until later that night. Since then it had been your favourite photo.

(Y/N on the left, Nat on the right)

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(Y/N on the left, Nat on the right)

You placed that photo in the middle of the wall, and then took a step back to admire your work. It looked perfect. Everyone you loved, together, surrounding the sun, the light of your life, your amazing girlfriend Natasha. You teared up just looking at it, but that was probably because you were sleep deprived after being on TikTok for so long (we are all guilty of that)

You raced down to the kitchen to see Nat making a cup of coffee.


She chuckled at your childish behaviour and allowed you to drag her along to your room. You placed your hands over her eyes as you entered and positioned her in front of the wall.

"o-omg Y/N! It's amazing! It lo- OMG ITS OUR PHOTO!" Nat screamed when she saw the photo dead centre. It was also her favourite one as well.

"Yeah! I finally figured out what to do with that wall!!"

"It looks amazing baby!! I'm so proud of you!" She grabbed your waist and spun your round, placing you back down on the floor and pecking your lips. You felt her arms snake further around your waist as you weaved your hands through the baby hairs on the back of her neck, both of you deepening the kiss. You both pulled back for air, leaning your foreheads together, grinning like idiots. Nat placed a kiss on your nose before grabbing your hand and leading you to the door.

"I love the wall baby! I cant wait to wake up to that every day. But I started making coffee, and I know you're going to need one after all that work you put in" Nat said as you both walked into the kitchen.

"I can now sleep at night knowing that wall is done!" you relaxed onto one of the bar stools, pulling out your phone.

"Where did you get the idea baby?" Nat asked whilst pouring the coffee.


"Oohhh! Show me!" Nat leaned over the counter to have a better look at your phone.

"There's so much stuff on here, you wouldn't even know Nat"

4 hours later...

Hahahhaha Nat! Someone made a sexy edit of you!!!"

"IS THERE ONE OF ME?!!" Sam yelled.


A/N: Another chapter!! I'm having so much fun making these! Don't forget to leave requests!!

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