sick - NR

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not proof read sozzzzz

word count: 1.2k

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The bubbling of soup and the sound of a knife scraping on toast was all that could be heard in the kitchen. This particular room on the girls' floor was rarely used as it was so far out of the way, but for the past 3 days it's seen a lot of life.

Nat was heating up some soup for Y/N, who had been ill for the last few days. Humming to herself gently, she spread butter onto a couple of pieces of toast.

"Hey Nat" Wanda called out, walking towards to fridge and picking out a carton of orange juice. "How's she doing?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen her today. She was asleep when I popped my head in this morning, so I've left her alone. I'm just about to give her some lunch if you want to come?" Nat placed everything onto a wooden tray, including a bottle of medicine and a plastic water bottle (and a paper towel roll. sorry i had to :)

"Yeah sure I'll come. I wanna see how she's doing." The women made their way out of the kitchen and down the corridor towards Y/N's room. Wanda carefully opened the door and allowed Nat to walk through. The room was dark but Y/N was very clearly awake.

Nat set the tray down on the desk and opened the curtains slightly, pushing the windows to allow a small draft to circulate around the room. Wanda walked over to Y/N's bedside and sat on the edge of the bed, placing her hand on her forehead.

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" Wanda asked, moving some of the hair that was stuck to Y/N's forehead off her face. Y/N just hummed in response.

"You're still burning up baby." Wanda commented, taking the flannel from the bedside table and dipping it in a bowl of iced water. She ran the edge over Y/N head to try and cool her down. Y/N winced at the cool feeling and then was instantly thrown into a coughing fit. The coughing quickly turned into dry heaving, causing Nat to rush over with a bucket just in case. Y/N weakly shook her head, letting it fall back onto her pillow in exhaustion. "Oh Y/N" Wanda cooed. "I'm so sorry baby." She resumed her task of trying to cool Y/N down with the water, but it didn't seem to be making a difference.

"Hey bubs. I brought you some soup if you want to try and eat that?" Nat offered her the bowl, hoping that there would be a slight improvement. The poor girl hadn't eaten anything in a week, and when she had she hadn't managed to keep it down. She seemed a lot thinner, her cheekbones more prominent than before. She had no energy and slept almost all the time. Wanda and Nat desperately tried to get her to eat, but Y/N refused.

"Let's sit you up and you can try some soup, yeah?" Nat asked, placing the bowl down on the bedside cabinet and moving to help Y/N.

But Y/N didn't move. Tears slowly starting flowing down her cheeks.

"Can't move" she tried to say, her voice breaking and cracking. "Hurts"

"I know baby, but you need to eat something." Nat climbed onto the bed, kneeling up so she could adjust the pillows for Y/N to sit up.

"Can you try for me?" Wanda offered, but Y/N didn't move.

The two older women shared a worried glance, before Nat gently slid her hand under Y/N's back to help sit her up.

"No!" Y/N cried hoarsely, her voice barely above a whisper. "Please" she begged.

Wanda and Nat's hearts broke upon hearing her broken pleas, the look in her eyes was one of fear and defeat.

Nat felt a gentle touch on her hand and she looked down to see Y/N placing her hand on top, using what little strength she had to hold it there.

"Please make it stop" Y/N begged, looking Nat straight in the eyes. "Please".

"I wish I could baby. You know I wish I could" Nat was sobbing slightly too, feeling distraught at not being able to help her girlfriend. Wanda walked towards the cabinet in the bathroom which contained the medicine that Y/N needed. They had brought one up with the food, but Wanda knew they needed something stronger.

She searched around in the cabinet until she came across the bottle she was looking for. She quickly spoke into Nat's head to get her attention.

Nat we need to get Bruce up here.

You know we can't. He will want to do tests and you know what she's like with needles. She can't handle that right now.

I know. That's why I think we should use this.

Wanda appeared round the bathroom door and held up a bottle of pills. Nat narrowed her eyes to try and read the tiny writing. Her eyes widened in realisation and she looked down at the whimpering girl in her lap, seeing the sweat run down her forehead and the heavy bags under her eyes, contrasting to her sickly pale skin. Nat bit her lip and looked back at Wanda, nodding in agreement. Y/N had only gotten worse the past few days, and she showed no signs of making a recovery. But she was terrified of needles, so they knew that bringing Bruce up would be a bad idea.

"Hey bumblebee, I just need you to take this ok? It's gonna help you I promise" Wanda called softly, picking up a bottle of water and emptying it into a sippy cup. That's the only thing they've used that worked to stop Y/N spilling anything when drinking.

Y/N nodded, slowly reaching out her hand to take the pill. Nat took it and placed it in her mouth, where it sat on her tongue.

"Ok ready?" She asked, holding the cup of water.

"Euh" Y/N replied, her mouth already open.

Nat carefully lifted Y/N up so her back and head were raised, to stop her from choking. Wanda placed a hand on the back of Y/N's head and brought the cup up to her lips, tipping it slowly to allow her to drink. Y/N took a couple of sips before pulling her lips away to signal she'd had enough.

"All gone?" Wanda asked and Y/N nodded her head slightly. The women knew it wouldn't take long for the pill's anaesthetic properties to kick in, so they patiently waited it out.

Nat had lay Y/N back down again and was now gently stroking her head, trying to relieve some of the pressure that was crushing the poor girl's skull. Wanda held her sister's hand and ran her thumb across her knuckles, listening to the sound of the younger Maximoff's chest wheezing with every breath.

Y/N slowly drifted off to sleep, relaxing both women as they knew she wasn't feeling the pain at that moment. Nat placed a kiss to her forehead, followed by Wanda.

"FRIDAY?" Wanda asked.

"Yes Miss Maximoff?"

"Can you call Bruce up here please? And tell Tony we said thank you for the sippy cups"

"Certainly Miss."

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