bipolar (2) - NR

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a very overdue part 2...
also, i tried to do some research, but it might not be accurate, and im sorry

warnings: mentions of bipolar, lots of fluff
word count: 1.1k

It was 3am. The room was pitch black and Nat and Y/N were asleep. But the peace was quickly disturbed as Y/N's eyes shot open. Even though it was the middle of the night, she was more awake than ever, and her body felt as though it was coursing with electricity.

She sat bolt upright in bed, her chest heaving. Her eyes were wide and she looked over at Nat who was sleeping next to her. She looked so peaceful with her fiery hair splayed out over her pillow and her lips slightly parted. But Y/N didn't take any notice of this.

"Nat!" she hissed into the darkness. No response.

"Nat!" Still nothing.

"Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Naaaaaaaaaaat!" Y/N yelled out as she poked Nat in the face. This made the older woman groan and turn over to meet Y/N, who's face was a little too close for comfort.

"What do you want Y/N?" she asked wearily, rubbing her eyes.

"Ummmm...." Y/N said, clicking her fingers as her hands shook slightly. "Do you want to play Just Dance?"

There was silence as Y/N waited for an answer. Her knee bounced slightly and she played with her fingers as Nat tried to process the ridiculous question she'd just been asked.


Nat turned over and grabbed her phone to check the time, wincing as the bright screen burnt her eyes. "Y/N it's 3am! I'm not playing with you now. You need to go to sleep."

"But I'm not tired! I'm awake, and my body craves Just Dance! I can feel my bones aching to move. But I don't want to do it alone. I'm scared of the dark, and the corridor is dark. So I can't really get there. Oh- but I could do it in here I guess? Do you know if our tv ha-"

"Y/N stop. Look at me." Y/N looked at Nat, but her eyes darted about, not fully focussing on her face. "You need to go to sleep. We can play it later on." Y/N face dropped. "Please baby. Try. For me?"

Nat was met with a silence and so she took it as a positive. Maybe Y/N had taken her advice for once and had actually gone back to sleep.

But of course that was too good to be true. Nat felt shuffling around on the bed before Y/N squealed out loud and ran out of the door. She was giggling the whole way, and Nat's heart dropped to her stomach.

As she heard her girlfriend's feet padding down the corridor, Nat jumped out of bed. She didn't bother to put a jacket on because she knew there wasn't time.

"Y/N, no no no no no!" she whisper shouted as she raced down the hall. When Y/N was in a manic episode, she had so much energy and would move very very fast. "No Y/N!"

Y/N had her fist on the handle of the door but Nat managed to grab it and pull it away, pulling her body to the ground as she put a hand over Y/N's mouth. "No Y/N. What's our number 1 rule about times like this?" Nat asked as Y/N struggled in her arms. They were both sat on the floor, with Nat's back agains the wall and Y/N's back against Nat's chest.

Y/N stopped struggling for a moment as she thought. "Um- no sweets?" She guessed, not really caring about her answer. She needed to move and quickly.

"Nope. No waking up Wanda. Remember?"

"But what about-"

"Or Pietro."

Y/N nodded, but Nat could tell she wasn't really paying attention.

Not wanting to risk waking the entire corridor, Nat slowly stood up and lifted Y/N with her. Managing these episodes was like trying to restrain a toddler on a sugar rush. They never listen and they only want to do what they want, not what anyone else wants. So Nat knew that the best thing to do was to manually transport her.

The duo made their way to the games room, which was at the other end of the compound, away from the bedrooms. Only the journey wasn't peaceful. Y/N talked Nat's ear off the whole way there, covering every topic under the sun in a very random order.

The minute they arrived at the games room Y/N jumped down from Nat's arms and raced inside, squealing in delight as the tv turned itself on.

"JARVIS? CAN YOU PUT JUST DANCE ON PLEASE!" She yelled. Immediately, the screen flicked to the logo and she screamed again.

Nat laughed which caught her attention and Y/N ran over to her and grabbed her arm, pulling her into the designated dance space.

"No Y/N. I'll just watch ok? I'm tired."

Pouting slightly, Y/N used her best puppy dog eyes. "Please? Just 1 game? 1?" she begged.

Sighing, Nat pulled herself up off the couch and took up her place next to Y/N. "Fine. But only because I love you."

"YAY!" Y/N shrieked, jumping on Nat and wrapping her arms around her neck. They both spun around in a clumsy circle for a bit until Y/N remembered the reason they were there.

"Right. Just Dance time. LETS GO!"

They ended up playing all night long. And as much Nat wanted to sleep, she stayed up as long as Y/N did, just to make sure she was ok. And when Y/N inevitably collapsed, Nat picked her up and took her to their room where they snuggled in bed for the rest of that day. Only waking up to remind Y/N to take her meds.

Wanda peeked in during the day and silently thanked Nat for taking care of her sister. She knew what had happened outside of her room earlier on, and it made her so happy that Y/N had finally found her person.

Didn't know how to end this lol

Leave requests! It's school holidays and I've got time to write, so let me know. It can be absolutely anything!

Love you lots xx

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