Time - SJ

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Mama!Scar x Daughter!reader
(in honour of Scarlett being on the top 100 influential people list)
word count: 1206


I'd say I'm pretty lucky. I've got amazing friends, my dad is pretty cool, my little sister Rose is my mini me, and I've got a new little brother Cosmo. I've met some pretty cool people in my life, including one of my favourite people, Elizabeth Olsen. They're all amazing, but they don't quite match my mom.

My mom is Scarlett Johansson. I always feel like I have to pinch myself every time I say that, because it doesn't feel real. She's my best friends, and has been for 16 years. It was just her and me for a little while, after my dad left for some other woman. But we didn't need anyone else. We were happy.

Then she met Colin. He's like the dad I never had. Although he's not mine or Rose's biological dad, he loves us just as much. When my mom met Colin, it was the happiest she'd been in years. I have him to thank for that.

My mom is pretty popular. I keep seeing on TikTok that she's a MILF. I told her this and she said that it's because she's a "mom in lots of films". I said that wasn't quite right, but I didn't want to tell her the actual meaning, even thought I'm pretty sure she already knows. But there are so many fan accounts making edits of her, and when I see all the comments about how amazing she is, it makes me tear up because I'm so proud of her. She's the best, and I wouldn't change her for the world.

*present day*

I was laying on the couch with my legs hooked over the back and my head almost touching the floor. I swear the comfiest positions look the most uncomfortable. I also cannot sit straight on a chair, but that's probably because I'm not straight. Anyway, I was just scrolling through Instagram when I came across a screenshot from an article from Time100. It was the 2021 Top Influential People. I usually don't pay much attention to these after the first couple of people, but one of the hashtags on this post was #scarlettjohansson.

I quickly scrambled up so I was sitting upright on the couch, and opened a new tab on safari to see the list for myself. I scrolled down, the names flying by in a blur. And suddenly, my finger stopped. There was a picture of my mom! Her amazing photo with the caption:

"Whether as an assassin with a conscience, an actor with an emotional center or, having just given birth to her third child, a fierce mother, the message is clear: Don't f-ck with this mama bear."

"MOMMMMM" I screamed from the living room. "MOMMMM YOU'RE ON THE LIST!"

I heard footsteps running down the stairs. It was currently just me and mom home, with Cosmo of course. Colin had taken Rose to the daddy-daughter day at school. My mom came running in, panic on her face.

"What's up baby? I heard yelling?"

"You did it! You're on the list! You're one of the top 100 most influential people of 2021!" I cried, jumping up and pulling her into a massive hug. I felt her arms tighten around me as she tilted her head down towards me.

Scarlett's POV:
The minute those words left her lips, I pulled my daughter even closer to me. I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing.

"I —- What? Are you sure? It's not some fan made thing right?" I questioned, pulling away to look my daughter directly in the eye.

"No Mom! Look I have it right here! It's real!" Y/N grabbed her phone from the coffee table, and brought up the page, clearly displaying my name on the Time website. I held her phone in my hands, carefully not to drop it as they were shaking so much. I'd just read the last line about me being a Mama Bear, and I thought that couldn't be more true. There's nothing I wouldn't do for my kids, especially Y/N. I was broken out of my thoughts by a sniffle.

I looked up from the phone to see Y/N sobbing quietly, tears streaming down her cheeks. I immediately pulled her back into my arms, guiding her to the couch. As we sat down, I placed a finger under her chin and guided her face up to mine.

"Hey hey, what's wrong baby? It's ok" I gently wiped her tears away with the pad of my thumb, before she grabbed both of my hands in hers, placing them in her lap.

"I'm just so happy Mom! You're my biggest inspiration and I look up to you so much. You've always been there for me, even when you're struggling, and you've shown me what real strength is. You're not just an amazing actor, you're also an amazing mom and best friend. I'm so glad that I get to call you my mom. I love you so so much, and I'm so proud of you". Her smile was the widest it's ever been, and her cheeks were stained with tears. Just watching my eldest daughter as she told me this made my heart swell.

She's always been my number 1, no matter what.

"Y/N, you're the best daughter anyone could ask for. I'm so proud of you too honey, you make me proud everyday by how you've grown up into such a beautiful and kind girl. You'll always be my little girl though, don't you forget it. I couldn't have done this without my little partner in crime by my side".

I pulled her head into my chest, stroking her hair as we both just sat there, completely content in each other's company. I wouldn't change this moment for the world.

The last 5 minutes were just replaying in my head over and over. I couldn't quite believe what had just happened. The steady rhythm of my mom stroking my head made me relax, and it's something she's done to me ever since I was a baby.

The peaceful silence was broken by the sound of a phone ringing. My mom's work phone to be exact. We both knew immediately who it was.

"Sorry baby, I have to answer that. It's my publicist. She's going to want a statement from me about the list." My mom helped me sit upright, before she got up and went to her office to answer the phone.

I wanted to show how proud of my mom I was, so I picked up my phone and opened Instagram, immediately posting this.

y/njohansson: I just want to say how proud I am of my mom

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y/njohansson: I just want to say how proud I am of my mom. She's my biggest inspiration, and my best friend. She's beautiful, caring, kind hearted, supportive and overall, just a perfect human. I love you, Mama Bear. So so much 🐻

tagged: scarlettjohanssonofficial
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A/N: Thanks for reading this!! Please vote and request stories please!! I'd love to write my first request! Love you all

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