duckies - NR

4.6K 125 62

you guys seem to love Mama!Nat, as the last one I did got almost double the normal reads. So here's another one for you

reader is 3

warnings: fluffy overload
word count: 2.3k


I woke up today with the biggest smile on my face. Usually a Saturday wouldn't warrant that kind of reaction, but I'd promised Y/N that I would take her to see the ducks today. She'd been begging me for weeks, but it had rained too much so we couldn't go.

It was almost 7, and knowing that my little monster doesn't sleep in past that time, I threw on a sweatshirt and made my way to her room. It was situated next to mine, but there was a door that connected our rooms together so she wouldn't have to go into the corridor if she needed me during the night.

Her room was dark except for the little penguin night light she kept by the door. Her tiny body was sprawled out in a starfish position, her left arm and leg hanging over the edge of the mattress. This kid moves so much in her sleep I'm surprised she hasn't fallen out of bed yet.

I opened her curtains a bit to let some light in, before taking a seat on the edge of her bed. In the time it had taken me to walk from the door to the window, she had managed to do a full 180 turn and was now lying on her back.

I gently pushed some hair from her face, admiring her long dark lashes and her little nose that twitched whilst she slept. My daughter is beautiful, there's no denying that.

Her fiery red hair was a tangled mess on her pillow, which isn't surprising seeing as she's a wriggler.

I walked into our connected bathroom and started running her a bath. As I came back to her room, she was rubbing her eyes, meaning she was awake.

"Hey babygirl" I cooed, sitting back down beside her. "You sleep good?"

She nodded, a huge yawn cutting her off as she stretched up, her lips forming an adorable pout.

"Mama" she whined, reaching her hands out for me. She's always been clingy, which is good because I love my toddler cuddles.

I lifted her onto my lap, rocking her close to my chest. She takes after me, so although she's 3 years old, she's still quite small.

"Where's my gorgeous girls face, huh? Can I see?" She had smushed her head into my chest, her breath tickling my skin. But she instantly shot her head up and flashed me the cutest smile. "There she is!"

"Here I am mama!" She gave me a toothy grin.

"Look at those big teeth! Nom nom nom!"

"No mama!" She squealed out as I attacked her face with kisses. She shoved her head back into my chest so I couldn't reach her face.

"You want to go have a bath, baby?" I placed another kiss on her head as she leaned against me.

" 'k mama"

Carrying her over to the bathroom, I peeled her out of her pyjamas and placed her in the tub. She was restless and probably hungry, so I washed her as quickly as I could.

Wrapping her in her yellow duck towel, I sat her on the bed whilst I picked out her outfit. Dungarees with a white t-shirt. Simple but practical. I also braided her hair into 2 braids, knowing I was going to have to redo them later in the day.

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