Chapter 15

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~ Chapter 15 ~

3 Weeks later

Darrel Curtis's Point of View

"You ready to get outta this bitch?" Dallas asks, rubbing his hands together as he walks into Blair's hospital room. "Shut up," I shoot back, pointing at her sleeping body on the bed. 

Blair's lying on her stomach with her arms folded like a pillow under her head. The hospital gown leaves her back mostly open. It's mostly healed, but when she heads home today, we still have to put cream and stuff on it. At least she doesn't feel it much now. 

The rest of the boys follow Dallas in and surround her bed. I stuck around here last night because the doctors were always coming in because she's getting discharged today. I just wanted to let her get some rest before we took her home. The boys were supposed to move their stuff to mom and dad's old room and Blair would take theirs.  As much as she didn't want to "be a burden" on us, we did get her to agree to stay. 

"Sorry," Pony whispers as they slowly close the door. Johnny hands me a bag of breakfast. I thank him quietly and set the bag on the ground for when she wakes up. I yawn and sit up straighter. 

"When's she getting out?" Two-bit asks. 

"A few hours hopefully," I reply, my voice heavy with sleep. I stretch my back and slouch back in the seat again. I can't wait to be able to sleep in my bed without worrying about her anymore. 

"Early enough you can go to the rumble?" I shake my head. I don't think I should go, I should stay with Blair and make sure she's okay and stuff. I could leave Pony and Johnny with her, they shouldn't go to the rumble anyway. I really should stay back. 

"I really should stay," I mumble in response. 

"I'll be fine," Blair says, picking her head up and tilting it on the other side to face me. "Blair, I really oughta make sure you're okay. You're just getting it today. I think they put it today on purpose." Blair sits up and rolls so her back is against the stacked go pillows behind her. She winces slightly and adjusts the pillows to feel better. 

"Then don't give them what they want. I known lived in a church for a whole, but I can function in a house." 

"Blair, I don't know…"

"Come on, Darry, she'll be fine. We need a guy like you in the rumble," Steve persists. My real fear wasn't Blair in the house, it was Blair leaving the house. She ran from her dad when she was really young, so what would stop her from doing it now? I feel stupid because she might not even be able to walk, the doctors said they'd check her out better this morning. They did a brief exam last night. 

"We'll see," I answer. I stand up, talking them that I'm gonna go try to find the doctor to get her out of here. Luckily, they're at the nurses' station. I tell them that she woke up and they say that they'll be in the room in a minute. 

I sit back down next to her and rub my eyes, picking up the bag of food Soda brought. It's easy to pick out which one is mine because it has more food in it, so I hand Blair hers and her silverware. She grins at her brightly colored food. Soda must've gotten ahold of the food dye, which I don't mind nearly as much as I let him think I do. 

Survive: A Darrel Curtis Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now